Release Blitz ~ Baby Queen by Charlie Novak (Review + Giveaway)


The Court Series – Book Three

by Charlie Novak

Release Blitz

Release Date: May 23, 2024

Model & Discreet Cover Design:

Natasha Snow Designs


Wander Aguiar Photography
Model: Beau

Genre: M/M Romance Standalone

Trope: Friends to lovers, mentor/mentee, slow burn


Note to self: falling for the new queen you’re mentoring will only lead to trouble.

Being broke, single, and homeless after winning the UK’s biggest drag show wasn’t how my life was supposed to go. I’m meant to be the one with everything, but thanks to an unscrupulous tour company I’ve got nothing but my image and a mountain of debt.

Moving back home with my mum and taking the first gig I’m offered in a local drag panto is supposed to help me get back on my feet, but meeting Colin tangles me up more than ever.

Colin desperately wants to start doing drag and suddenly I’m helping a baby queen find her feet while falling head over heels for the man behind the lashes.

We all know mixing these power dynamics is a recipe for trouble, but my life is already a mess. Will falling for Colin really spell disaster or is he the only thing keeping me upright in my seven-inch heels?

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~ * ~ Kathys Review ~ * ~

4.5 Stars
A sweet romance that glistened with sparkles, and glitter. Ms. Novak creates a fun community of drag queens that are interesting both on and off the stage. The story was an enjoyable read that had a serious undertone, but also many warm, and accepting moments. This is book three of the Court Series, and it might help to read the others, but I believe it could be a standalone.
Anthony’s drag persona is Barbie Summers. She was riding high for quite a while selling out her shows and winning a season of Drag Stars UK, then a betrayal made Anthony feel he lost it all.
He has returned to his hometown and plans to stay with his supportive mom until he can regroup. Anthony is full of self-loathing and feels like a failure. He is a hard-working, decent man that blames himself for his unfortunate setback.
Anthony ends up visiting the Court to meet the drag performers as Barbie Summers. She feels confident, and fierce, and pushes the hurt and depression aside. Barbie Summers is a rock star to the members of the Court and they are thrilled. She is considering performing there while visiting and meets a nervous young man that wants to do drag but is unsure of himself. Barbie Summers offers to mentor Colin much to his delighted shock.
Colin is too adorable for words. He is smart but also lacks self-confidence. He enjoys hanging out with Anthony and the two realize there is a strong chemistry between them. They become more than friends, and I loved how there was no angst in a relationship that helped both men heal.
This is a book that I recommend, and hope you enjoy the larger than life view of drag and the amazing people that pour their hearts, and souls into their craft. Happy reading.

**Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.**


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Other Titles Within this Series



About the Author

Charlie lives in England with her husband and two cheeky dogs. She spends most of her days wrangling other people’s words in her day job and then trying to force her own onto the page in the evening.

She loves cute stories with a healthy dollop of fluff, plenty of delicious sex, and happily ever afters — because the world needs more of them.

Charlie has very little spare time, but what she does have she fills with baking, Dungeons and Dragons, reading and many other nerdy pursuits. She also thinks that everyone should have at least one favourite dinosaur…

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