Release Blitz ~ Daddy’s Pride 2024 Anthology Series

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Daddy’s Pride

Dirty Daddies 2024 Anthology Series

Authors: Siobhan Smile, Nora Phoenix, TL Travis, Colette Davison, Ellie Rose, Chara Croft

2024 Daddys Pride 6.11.24

Published by Dirty Daddies Publishing, an imprint of GTB Publishing

Cover Design By: Allycat Creations

His good boy. Her naughty girl. Their happily ever after.
Yes, Daddy. Two little words that can send shivers of need and fear up the spine of any girl… or boy.
Because for these Daddies, love knows no limits…and love always wins.

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Release Blitz ~ Heat by TL Travis (Review + Excerpt)


Book Title: Heat: An ABCs of Love Novel

Author and Publisher: TL Travis

Cover Artist: Nicole Blanchard

Release Date: May 26, 2022

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Opposites attract, forced proximity

Themes: Coming out later in life, small town romance

Heat Rating: 3 – 4 flames

Length: 175 pages

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US | Amazon UK


Can two opposites in forced proximity learn to play nicely or will one wind up in an iron grave?



What do you get when you throw a burly blacksmith and the town’s poster child for clumsiness together?

A whole lot of swearing and a threatening use of duct tape.

And the need to construct a sign that reads, “DO NOT LET CAMPBELL NEAR THE FORGE!”

Alabaster Falls’ local blacksmith, Daughtry Blackburn, was satisfied with his reclusive status. He had iron to bend and orders to fill but he knew he needed something to take the business to the next level. His father had fought taking their business into the twenty-first century, but since he’d passed, it was up to Daughtry to keep things forward moving and he knew there was no way to do so without being on the World Wide Web. Metalworking, he got. Computers, not so much.

Campbell Jenkins was desperate to be accepted by his peers in the little town he’d called home since birth. Problem was, he was accident-prone. Not just in the sense of an occasional break here or there, but in a can’t walk by glass without it shattering – even when it seemed he was a mile away type of thing. No matter how hard he tried to fit in, this curse led to failure. Forced to stay stuck inside the walls of the home his grandmother left him, he spent his time learning all he could about computers and social media. His online friends never cast him aside—too bad the real world wasn’t as kind.

When he answers an ad in the local paper for online marketing assistance, he wasn’t sure what to expect. Least of all, the brawny man answering the door to a log cabin that had seen better days.

Can two opposites in forced proximity learn to play nicely or will one wind up in an iron grave?

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Release Blitz ~ Heat by TL Travis (Review)

Title: Heat
Author: TL Travis
Genre: MM

Cover Designer: Indie Sage
Model: Simon
Photog: Paul Henry Serres
Publication Date: May 25th, 2022

Hosted by: Lady
Amber’s PR


What do you get when you throw a burly blacksmith and the town’s poster child for clumsiness

 A whole lot of swearing and a threatening use of duct tape.

 And the need to construct a sign that reads, “DO NOT LET CAMPBELL NEAR THE FORGE!”

 Alabaster Falls’ local blacksmith, Daughtry Blackburn, was satisfied with his reclusive status.
He had iron to bend and orders to fill but he knew he needed something to take
the business to the next level. His father had fought taking their business
into the twenty-first century, but since he’d passed, it was up to Daughtry to
keep things forward moving and he knew there was no way to do so without being
on the World Wide Web. Metalworking, he got. Computers, not so much.

 Campbell Jenkins was desperate to be accepted by his peers in the little town he’d called home since birth. Problem was, he was accident-prone. Not just in the sense of an
occasional break here or there, but in a “can’t walk by glass without it
shattering – even when it seemed he was a mile away” type of thing. No matter
how hard he tried to fit in, this curse led to failure. Forced to stay stuck
inside the walls of the home his grandmother left him, he spent his time
learning all he could about computers and social media. His online friends never
cast him aside—too bad the real world wasn’t as kind.

When he answers an ad in the local paper for online marketing assistance, he wasn’t sure what to
expect. Least of all, the brawny man answering the door to a log cabin that had
seen better days.

 Can two opposites in
forced proximity learn to play nicely or will one wind up in an iron grave?


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New Release Review ~ Summer Boy by TL Travis

Summer Boy by TL Travis

Summer Boy TL Travis

Releasing April 14th

Summer romance is not for those who are led by their heart.

For Jonah Thomas, life is wake up, eat breakfast, go to work at his family’s restaurant Ahoy Matey’s. Lather, rinse, repeat. Next! His hometown, the sleepy little Stoney Brook, Maine, doesn’t offer much for someone like Jonah.

He’s not really living and has no clear path in front of him. Jonah merely…exists.

Party boy, Micah Hannigan is determined to enjoy the summer before his final year of college. Stoney Brooke, Maine is not on his bucket list. Two weeks there with his family is a life sentence, especially when his friends are living it up on the beaches of Florida where he should be.

Micah has plans, lots of them but he’d never factored in meeting the beautiful and intriguing Jonah Thomas.

It’s crazy how love always finds a way when you least expect it.

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New Release Review ~ Jaxson’s Nemesis by TL Travis

Jaxson’s Nemesis by TL Travis


Jaxson Duvall, bass player for the band Maiden Voyage wasn’t born into wealth or fame. He achieved it with hard work and a need to prove himself. To whom, well, that is the million-dollar question right there. When his foolish antics threaten to bankrupt him, it’s time for him to stop acting like a spoiled brat and grow the hell up before his band brothers find a new bassist.

Shephard “Shep” Newsome was the opposite. Thrust into the limelight at birth and cast out damn near the same way. When his indiscretions tarnished his family name, his father said no more. Humiliated, shamed, and shunned, he moved away to begin anew but trouble still seemed to find him. Tired of running, he puts down roots only to find himself right smack in the middle of it once again.

What happens when a Rockstar with more money than brains clashes with his neighbor who has a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas? You have a recipe for disaster… or rage-infused love.

Amazon  |  Goodreads


Maiden Voyage series must be read in order as each book starts where the last one ended but is from another band members point of view:

1 – Ryder’s Guardian

2 – Derek’s Destiny

3 – Jaxson’s Nemesis

4 – Shadow’s Light

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New Release Review ~ Jaxson’s Nemesis by TL Travis

Jaxson’s Nemesis by TL Travis


Jaxson Duvall, bass player for the band Maiden Voyage wasn’t born into wealth or fame. He achieved it with hard work and a need to prove himself. To whom, well, that is the million-dollar question right there. When his foolish antics threaten to bankrupt him, it’s time for him to stop acting like a spoiled brat and grow the hell up before his band brothers find a new bassist.

Shephard “Shep” Newsome was the opposite. Thrust into the limelight at birth and cast out damn near the same way. When his indiscretions tarnished his family name, his father said no more. Humiliated, shamed, and shunned, he moved away to begin anew but trouble still seemed to find him. Tired of running, he puts down roots only to find himself right smack in the middle of it once again.

What happens when a Rockstar with more money than brains clashes with his neighbor who has a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas? You have a recipe for disaster… or rage-infused love.

Amazon  |  Goodreads


Maiden Voyage series must be read in order as each book starts where the last one ended but is from another band members point of view:

1 – Ryder’s Guardian

2 – Derek’s Destiny

3 – Jaxson’s Nemesis

4 – Shadow’s Light

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New Release Review: Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey (Maiden Voyage #2) by TL Travis (Series Review)

New Release Review:

Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey

(Maiden Voyage #2)

by TL Travis

Amazon (Available on KU)  |  Goodreads



For Maiden Voyage lead vocalist, Derek Masters, life has had its fair share of ups and downs.  Most recently, almost losing his best friend and lead guitarist, Ryder Hampton while they were on the road. They’ve just come off a whirlwind European tour and have a few weeks of R&R before hitting Rocktoberfest in Nevada this fall.

While Derek’s looking forward to time with his family, the loneliness of living in his big, empty house suffocates him. Seems rest isn’t always what one needs. For Derek, he’s a natural caregiver, always wanting to help others. Even when it’s not in his best interest.

Logan Bell has wanted to be a teacher since playing school in his backyard with his childhood friends. He loves to nurture young minds, and teach them the necessary skills in ways they can grasp and retain it. Never for a moment did he think that gift would be turned on him.

Can two souls who feel the need to be there for everyone, find a way to be there for themselves? Or will their hopes and dreams all be washed away by rushing floodwaters in a monsoon storm?

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New Release Review: Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey (Maiden Voyage #2) by TL Travis

New Release Review:

Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey

(Maiden Voyage #2)

by TL Travis

Amazon (Available on KU)  |  Goodreads



For Maiden Voyage lead vocalist, Derek Masters, life has had its fair share of ups and downs.  Most recently, almost losing his best friend and lead guitarist, Ryder Hampton while they were on the road. They’ve just come off a whirlwind European tour and have a few weeks of R&R before hitting Rocktoberfest in Nevada this fall.

While Derek’s looking forward to time with his family, the loneliness of living in his big, empty house suffocates him. Seems rest isn’t always what one needs. For Derek, he’s a natural caregiver, always wanting to help others. Even when it’s not in his best interest.

Logan Bell has wanted to be a teacher since playing school in his backyard with his childhood friends. He loves to nurture young minds, and teach them the necessary skills in ways they can grasp and retain it. Never for a moment did he think that gift would be turned on him.

Can two souls who feel the need to be there for everyone, find a way to be there for themselves? Or will their hopes and dreams all be washed away by rushing floodwaters in a monsoon storm?

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Release Day Review: Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey (Maiden Voyage #2) by TL Travis (Series Review)

Release Day Review:

Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey

(Maiden Voyage #2)

by TL Travis

Amazon (Available on KU)  |  Goodreads



For Maiden Voyage lead vocalist, Derek Masters, life has had its fair share of ups and downs.  Most recently, almost losing his best friend and lead guitarist, Ryder Hampton while they were on the road. They’ve just come off a whirlwind European tour and have a few weeks of R&R before hitting Rocktoberfest in Nevada this fall.

While Derek’s looking forward to time with his family, the loneliness of living in his big, empty house suffocates him. Seems rest isn’t always what one needs. For Derek, he’s a natural caregiver, always wanting to help others. Even when it’s not in his best interest.

Logan Bell has wanted to be a teacher since playing school in his backyard with his childhood friends. He loves to nurture young minds, and teach them the necessary skills in ways they can grasp and retain it. Never for a moment did he think that gift would be turned on him.

Can two souls who feel the need to be there for everyone, find a way to be there for themselves? Or will their hopes and dreams all be washed away by rushing floodwaters in a monsoon storm?

Continue reading “Release Day Review: Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey (Maiden Voyage #2) by TL Travis (Series Review)”

Release Blitz: See Me by TL Travis (Review)

See Me By TL Travis

For Raphe Lombardi, life hasn’t been easy.

Permanently disfigured by a car crash at the age of nine that claimed the lives of his parents, set him on a never ending path of doctors and painful procedures.

“Never judge a book by its cover, Il mio piccolo,” Aunt Sophia would always say, tapping the space above her heart. “Trust what’s inside. Even beauty sometimes has an evil lurking beneath.” Over the years her nickname for me, my little one, was shorted to Mio. Calling me little when I now towered over her five foot frame by more than fourteen inches made it even more adorable to hear her say.

Is it best to see someone for who they truly are, or is it safer to hide in the shadows and avoid risking it all?

Potential triggers: Verbal abuse/bullying, physical assault, self-loathing, self-harm, thoughts of suicide, dealing with death of loved ones.

See Me is a standalone MM romance novel.

Start reading See Me today!


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Release Blitz: After the Final Curtain (Social Sinners #5) by TL Travis (Review + Giveaway)

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal LinkExclusive to Amazon and Available to Borrow with Kindle Unlimited.
Length: 89 pages

Social Sinners Series

Book 1 is the only book in the series that can be read as a stand-alone.
Book 1 – Behind the lights (MM) – Amazon US | Amazon UK
Book 2 – In The Shadows (MM) – Amazon US | Amazon UK
Book 3 – A Heart Divided (MMM) – Amazon US | Amazon UK
Book 4 – Beyond The Curtain (MM) – Amazon US | Amazon UK
Book 5 – After The Final Curtain (MM/MMM)


What do our boys have in store for us this time around?

Through pain, attempted suicide, addiction and loss their bond never faltered. They’ve watched other bands come and go; some weren’t cut out for life on the road. Others simply…disappeared.

But they climbed their way to the top, one painstaking grip at a time. So, what’s up next for our boys?

Book 5, After the Final Curtain is the fifth and final installment in the Social Sinners series. This book comes, with a surprise announcement.

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Release Blitz: Beyond the Curtain (Social Sinners #4) by TL Travis (Review + Giveaway)

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal LinkExclusive to Amazon and Available to Borrow with Kindle Unlimited.
Length: 60,000 words approx.
Social Sinner Series

Book 1 is the only book in the series that can be read as a stand-alone.
Book 1 – Behind the lights (MM) – Amazon US | Amazon UK
Book 2 – In The Shadows (MM) – Amazon US | Amazon UK
Book 3 – A Heart Divided (MMM) – Amazon US | Amazon UK
Book 4 – Beyond The Curtain (MM) 
Book 5 – After The Final Curtain (MM/MMM)Blurb

For Social Sinners’ drummer, Ethan “Diamond” Taylor, everything that went wrong seemed to roll off him and life was about having fun and getting off. What others never saw was what simmered beneath the surface.

Holding on by a string, things have reached their breaking point, taking a turn for the worse, and he’s forced to make some tough decisions. Is living in the limelight all that it’s cracked up to be? Or is it time to cut the cord and move on?

Is it in the cards for him to have the whole marriage, white picket fence, a desk job and…kids?Diamond’s story is one of strength, love, loss and hope.

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