Release Blitz: Cabin Fever by Roe Horvat (Excerpt + Giveaway)


Book Title: Cabin Fever

Author: Roe Horvat

Publisher: Self-Published

Cover Artist: Roe Horvat

Release Date: June 18 2020

Genre/s: Contemporary M/M erotic romance

Trope/s: forced proximity, bodyguard, Daddy/boy, hurt/comfort

Themes: bodyguard and his client, remote cabin in the woods, light kink,

submission, punishment, bratty boy, protective & controlling Daddy

Warning: self-harm off page

Heat Rating: 5 flames

Length: 41 000 words

It is a standalone story.


Buy Links – Available on Kindle Unlimited

Universal Link | Amazon US | Amazon UK


Michael Bourgeon is a talented artist, young and gorgeous, a stinking rich heir from a well-connected family. He’s the infamous libertine behind the most extravagant parties in Manhattan, and his exploits often lead to juicy tabloid stories. Enjoying his wealth and freedom to the fullest, Michael has the world at his feet.
Until someone tries to kill him. Repeatedly. After a security breach among his own staff, he has run out of options where to hide while the FBI hunts the killer.
A high-profile private security expert Vincent Nowak is supposed to provide the miracle solution. And while Michael struggles with nightmares and anxiety due to the looming threat, Vincent becomes not only the ultimately reliable protector, but a wonderful distraction, too…
A small cabin in the woods, a cocky brat with a soft heart, his gruff, controlling bodyguard, and weeks of tension in a confined space.

A standalone novella based on the original short story Yes, Daddy. HEA, no cliffhangers.

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Release Blitz ~ Beautiful Beast by Roe Horvat (Review + Excerpt + Giveaway)

Book Title: Beautiful Beast

Author: Roe Horvat

Publisher: Roe Horvat

Cover Artist: Garrett Leigh (Black Jazz Design)

Release Date: May 1, 2020

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Trope/s: Instant lust, rich & famous

Themes: Dancer & tycoon, light kink (bondage, dirty talk), sexual self-discovery

Heat Rating: 5 flames

Length: 42 000 words

It is a standalone story.

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Buy Links – Available on Kindle Unlimited

Amazon Universal Link | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon AU

Beautiful Beast is a light tale of lust and love, about a beautiful dancer who keeps a wild beast locked inside him, and the man who sets it free.


Kevin used to hold himself back, trying to keep his less conventional desires to himself. With Joakim, he feels free. It’s almost as if Joakim can read Kevin’s subconscious, touching the right places at exactly the right time, and whispering the most shameless things…filthy, and oh so satisfying.

Falling for Kevin is easy. Joakim can feel it happening and he’s powerless to do anything about it. With every touch, his desire grows. Men have chased him for his money and status before, but Kevin doesn’t seem to care about any of that. Maybe this time, Joakim should let himself fall, and hope the landing will be soft. Continue reading “Release Blitz ~ Beautiful Beast by Roe Horvat (Review + Excerpt + Giveaway)”

Review Tour: Third One by Roe Horvat (Excerpt)


Book Title: Third One (Those Other Books series)

Author: Roe Horvat

Publisher: Roe Horvat

Cover Artist: Roe Horvat

Release Date: March 30th 2020

Genre: Contemporary MMM erotic romance

Trope/s: Established couple + third, hurt/comfort

Themes: Two dancers and a businessman, Swedish coast, Gothenburg, pining, passion

Length: 46 000 words/140 pages

Heat Rating: 5 flames

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Buy Links – Available on Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal Link




It could have been just an innocent crush. Something guiltless and fleeting. But Luke spends every day with Marcus; they talk, touch and dance together, they create and perform together. They know each other inside out. As a consequence, Luke has been in love with his very much taken choreographer for years. Seeing Marcus and his partner Liam together has become increasingly painful, and Luke needs to leave. His dancing career is nearing an end anyway. He will start university, reinvent himself, forget Marcus and find happiness elsewhere.

Except Marcus loves him back. And Liam knows. Liam’s dark eyes and his imposing silhouette begin haunting Luke’s dreams. Drowning in both lust and sadness, Luke is swept into a passionate triangle with two men who couldn’t be more different. Suddenly, instead of fear or caution, there’s just a mind-numbing desire for more.

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Review Tour ~ The Layover by Roe Horvat (Giveaway)

Length: 115 pages

Eight years ago, Ondro Smrek fled Slovakia and the bigotry that drove his first lover to take his own life, but the demons proved impossible to outrun. Desperate for somewhere to belong, Ondro is returning to start over.

During a layover in Basel, Switzerland, he meets Jamie, an American living in Scotland who is as brilliant as he is beautiful. Jaded Ondro never would have guessed he could fall in love during a brief layover—until now.

When he is put in a position to offer Jamie comfort without hope of recompense, Ondro doesn’t hesitate and soon catches a glimpse of the home he longs for. But with their separation looming, confessing his feelings can only lead to pain and humiliation. Life has taught Ondro not to hope, but then, he never believed in love at first sight either…

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Release Blitz: The Layover by Roe Horvat (Giveaway)

Length: 115 pages

Eight years ago, Ondro Smrek fled Slovakia and the bigotry that drove his first lover to take his own life, but the demons proved impossible to outrun. Desperate for somewhere to belong, Ondro is returning to start over.

During a layover in Basel, Switzerland, he meets Jamie, an American living in Scotland who is as brilliant as he is beautiful. Jaded Ondro never would have guessed he could fall in love during a brief layover—until now.

When he is put in a position to offer Jamie comfort without hope of recompense, Ondro doesn’t hesitate and soon catches a glimpse of the home he longs for. But with their separation looming, confessing his feelings can only lead to pain and humiliation. Life has taught Ondro not to hope, but then, he never believed in love at first sight either… Continue reading “Release Blitz: The Layover by Roe Horvat (Giveaway)”

Audio Blitz: The Other Book (Those Other Books #1) by Roe Horvat (Review + Giveaway)

Length: 4hrs 26mins
Cover Design: Roe Horvat
Narrated By: Vance Bastian

It was supposed to be just sex…Famous last words.

Tyler doesn’t overthink pleasure and avoids complications. He knows it might be stupid to get involved with his closeted boss, but the temptation is too great. At first, the cold and beautiful Joel Sandstrom seems to loathe Tyler’s guts.

Except one late night at the office, his reasons become clear…and his control breaks.

Every time they touch, Joel’s stony face comes alive, harsh lines smooth out, and for a minute, he looks serene. Happy, even. Just sex – dirty, intense, spectacular sex.

During their covert encounters, Tyler discovers the power he has over the lonesome man, and it’s a heady feeling. What if he could set Joel free and give him peace of mind? When Tyler realizes how much Joel needs him, he doesn’t regret breaking his own rules.

Gay erotic romance. Contains explicit scenes and sexual interactions between more than two partners. For adult readers only.
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Audio Blitz: The Other Book by Roe Horvat, Narrated by Vance Bastian (Giveaway)

Length: 4hrs 26mins
Cover Design: Roe Horvat
Narrated By: Vance Bastian

It was supposed to be just sex…Famous last words.

Tyler doesn’t overthink pleasure and avoids complications. He knows it might be stupid to get involved with his closeted boss, but the temptation is too great. At first, the cold and beautiful Joel Sandstrom seems to loathe Tyler’s guts.

Except one late night at the office, his reasons become clear…and his control breaks.

Every time they touch, Joel’s stony face comes alive, harsh lines smooth out, and for a minute, he looks serene. Happy, even. Just sex – dirty, intense, spectacular sex.

During their covert encounters, Tyler discovers the power he has over the lonesome man, and it’s a heady feeling. What if he could set Joel free and give him peace of mind? When Tyler realizes how much Joel needs him, he doesn’t regret breaking his own rules.

Gay erotic romance. Contains explicit scenes and sexual interactions between more than two partners. For adult readers only.

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Review Tour ~ Adam Only by Roe Horvat (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Length: 39,000 words
Cover Design: Roe Horvat
Publisher: Beaten Track Publishing
Those Other Books
The Other Book – Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal Link

On stage, Adam lets his passion drive him. All his secret desires, everything nasty, dirty, and beautiful flows freely through him, for once in harmony. His soul thrives when his body moves, but only on stage. Adam’s passionate nature makes him a great dancer…and a failure at life. He’s a lonely, emotional mess. Going home with a man far out of his reach is the last thing Adam should do. Christoffer represents everything Adam isn’t: strong, independent, educated, and rich. His kind eyes, at odds with his brutish form, make Adam’s knees and restraint buckle.

Once Christoffer sees Adam dancing, he’s lost. The young man is mesmerizing, otherworldly, and unpredictable. Whatever might happen between them, it will be transient, and Christoffer will most likely get hurt. The temptation is too great, however, and the sex explosive. He might as well enjoy every moment he’s given, even if it’s just one day, maybe two. If Christoffer treads carefully, Adam might stay until Monday.
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Release Blitz ~ Adam Only (Those Other Books #2) by Roe Horvat (Review + Excerpt + Giveaway)

Length: 39,000 words
Cover Design: Roe Horvat
Publisher: Beaten Track Publishing
Those Other Books
The Other Book – Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal Link

On stage, Adam lets his passion drive him. All his secret desires, everything nasty, dirty, and beautiful flows freely through him, for once in harmony. His soul thrives when his body moves, but only on stage. Adam’s passionate nature makes him a great dancer…and a failure at life. He’s a lonely, emotional mess. Going home with a man far out of his reach is the last thing Adam should do. Christoffer represents everything Adam isn’t: strong, independent, educated, and rich. His kind eyes, at odds with his brutish form, make Adam’s knees and restraint buckle.

Once Christoffer sees Adam dancing, he’s lost. The young man is mesmerizing, otherworldly, and unpredictable. Whatever might happen between them, it will be transient, and Christoffer will most likely get hurt. The temptation is too great, however, and the sex explosive. He might as well enjoy every moment he’s given, even if it’s just one day, maybe two. If Christoffer treads carefully, Adam might stay until Monday.

Continue reading “Release Blitz ~ Adam Only (Those Other Books #2) by Roe Horvat (Review + Excerpt + Giveaway)”