Blog Tour ~ Beautifully Fractured by Michele Lenard (Review + Excerpt + Giveaway)

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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Beautifully Fractured
By Michele Lenard

Beautifully Fractured Cover

Front Range University, Book 1

Ever have someone get you so well it’s like looking in a mirror?

Starting over is not what I had planned.

Those stories about magically becoming best friends with the person assigned to live with you… Yeah, that won’t be me. I already have a best friend. Even if I wanted a new one, Liam wouldn’t be it. He’s permanently grouchy, carrying a negative energy I don’t need since I’m finally in a good place. But I’ve never been good at ignoring when people need help, so I paste on a smile and play nice.

Predictably, Liam isn’t much of a talker, but after an unexpected accident he needs my help in other ways. Ways that offer me answers about myself. Ways that raise new questions about the football dreams I’ve been chasing since I was a kid. Ways that make me relive the past I want to ignore.

To say I’m confused is an understatement, but there’s one thing I know for certain…Liam is either the key to one door or the bolt that could prevent another from ever opening. And I have to choose which I want him to be.

Starting over is exactly what I need.

I can’t get any more invisible than I’ve been for the past few years, and I figure rooming with another person means at least one human on the planet can’t ignore me. Unfortunately, that human is Adonis personified, and not gay, so it’s looking like my invisibility streak might continue.

Then I suffer a minor accident, and Cruz’s hero complex comes out in full force.

I should be grateful to have someone to open my door and carry my books, but when you pair his selfless personality with that body… My mind starts to blur the roommate line, which makes his blur the line of not being gay.

My heart is already battered, and I doubt it can take rejection from the one person who broke down all the walls I’d built around it. That doesn’t mean I won’t try to give it to him anyway.

**Beautifully Fractured is a high-heat MM romance with medium angst that features a grumpy/sunshine relationship, forced proximity, hurt/comfort situations and a bi-awakening. This is book one in a series of interconnected standalones. Though the main characters are athletes, this is not a sports romance. Rather, it’s a romance that happens to feature people who play sports.

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Release Blitz ~ Beautifully Fractured by Michele Lenard (Excerpt + Giveaway)

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway: Beautifully Fractured
By Michele Lenard

Beautifully Fractured Cover

Front Range University, Book 1

Ever have someone get you so well it’s like looking in a mirror?

Starting over is not what I had planned.

Those stories about magically becoming best friends with the person assigned to live with you… Yeah, that won’t be me. I already have a best friend. Even if I wanted a new one, Liam wouldn’t be it. He’s permanently grouchy, carrying a negative energy I don’t need since I’m finally in a good place. But I’ve never been good at ignoring when people need help, so I paste on a smile and play nice.

Predictably, Liam isn’t much of a talker, but after an unexpected accident he needs my help in other ways. Ways that offer me answers about myself. Ways that raise new questions about the football dreams I’ve been chasing since I was a kid. Ways that make me relive the past I want to ignore.

To say I’m confused is an understatement, but there’s one thing I know for certain…Liam is either the key to one door or the bolt that could prevent another from ever opening. And I have to choose which I want him to be.

Starting over is exactly what I need.

I can’t get any more invisible than I’ve been for the past few years, and I figure rooming with another person means at least one human on the planet can’t ignore me. Unfortunately, that human is Adonis personified, and not gay, so it’s looking like my invisibility streak might continue.

Then I suffer a minor accident, and Cruz’s hero complex comes out in full force.

I should be grateful to have someone to open my door and carry my books, but when you pair his selfless personality with that body… My mind starts to blur the roommate line, which makes his blur the line of not being gay.

My heart is already battered, and I doubt it can take rejection from the one person who broke down all the walls I’d built around it. That doesn’t mean I won’t try to give it to him anyway.

**Beautifully Fractured is a high-heat MM romance with medium angst that features a grumpy/sunshine relationship, forced proximity, hurt/comfort situations and a bi-awakening. This is book one in a series of interconnected standalones. Though the main characters are athletes, this is not a sports romance. Rather, it’s a romance that happens to feature people who play sports.

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Release Blitz ~ Beautifully Fractured by Michele Lenard

BEAUTIFULLY FRACTURED by Michele Lenard is out now! Check out the gorgeous new m/m romance and be sure to grab your copy today!

Title: Beautifully Fractured

Author: Michele Lenard

Genre: MM Sports Romance

Series Title: Front Range University


About Beautifully Fractured:

Ever have someone get you so well it’s like looking in a mirror?


Starting over is not what I had planned.

They can give me a roommate I’m supposed to be compatible with, but those stories about becoming best friends with the person randomly selected to live with you… Yeah, that won’t be me. I already have a best friend. Even if I wanted a new one, Liam wouldn’t be it. He’s permanently grouchy, carrying a negative energy I don’t need since I’m finally in a good place. But I’ve never been good at ignoring when people need help, so I paste on a smile and play nice.

Predictably, Liam isn’t much of a talker, but after an unexpected accident he needs my help in other ways. Ways that offer me answers about myself. Ways that raise new questions about the football dreams I’ve been chasing since I was a kid. Ways that make me relive the past I want to ignore.

To say I’m confused is an understatement, but there’s one thing I know for certain…Liam is the key to one door and the bolt that could prevent another from ever opening. And I have to choose which I want him to be.


Starting over is exactly what I need.

I can’t get any more invisible than I’ve been for the past few years, and I figure rooming with another person means at least one human on the planet can’t ignore me. Unfortunately, that human is Adonis personified, and not gay, so it’s looking like my invisibility streak might continue.

Then I suffer a minor accident, and Cruz’s hero complex comes out in full force.

I should be grateful to have someone to open my door and carry my books, but when you pair his selfless personality with that body… My mind starts to blur the roommate line, which makes his blur the line of not being gay.

My heart is already battered, and I doubt it can take rejection from the one person who broke down all the walls I’d built around it. That doesn’t mean I won’t try to give it to him anyway.

**Beautifully Fractured is a high-heat MM romance with medium angst that features a grumpy/sunshine relationship, forced proximity, hurt/comfort situations and a bi-awakening. This is book one in a series of interconnected standalone.

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Cover Reveal ~ Beautifully Fractured by Michele Lenard (Giveaway)

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Cover Reveal & Giveaway:
Beautifully Fractured
By Michele Lenard

Beautifully Fractured Cover

Coming April 30th

Ever have someone get you so well it’s like looking in a mirror?


Starting over is not what I had planned.

They can give me a roommate I’m supposed to be compatible with, but those stories about becoming best friends with the person randomly selected to live with you… Yeah, that won’t be me. It can’t be, since I already have a best friend.

Even if I wanted a new one, Liam wouldn’t be it. He’s permanently grouchy, carrying a negative energy I don’t need in my life since I’m finally in a good place. But I’ve never been good at ignoring when people need help, so I put a smile on my face and play nice.

Predictably, Liam isn’t much of a talker, but after an unexpected accident he needs my help in other ways. Ways that offer me answers about myself. Ways that raise new questions about the football dreams I’ve been chasing since I was a kid. Ways that make me relieve the past I want to ignore.

To say I’m confused is an understatement, but there’s one thing I know for certain…Liam is the key to one door and the bolt that could prevent another from ever opening. And I have to choose which I want him to be.


Starting over is exactly what I need.

I can’t get any more invisible than I’ve been for the past few years, and I figure rooming with another person means at least one human on the planet can’t ignore me. Unfortunately, that human is Adonis personified, and not gay, so it’s looking like my invisibility streak might continue.

Then I suffer a minor accident, and Cruz’s hero complex comes out in full force.

I should be grateful to have someone to open my door and carry my books, but when you pair his selfless personality with that body… My mind starts to blur the roommate line, which makes his blur the line of not being gay.

My heart is already battered, and I doubt it can take rejection from the one person who broke down all the walls I’d built around it. That doesn’t mean I won’t try to give it to him anyway.

**Beautifully Damaged is a high-heat MM romance with medium angst that features a grumpy/sunshine relationship, forced proximity, hurt/comfort situations and a bi-awakening. This is book one in a series of interconnected standalones.

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Blog Tour ~ Bad Pucking Roommate by Michele Lenard (Reviews)



Release date: January 30th

Genre/Tropes: Hockey romance / MM Romance / Hurt/Comfort / Bi-Awakening / Opposites Attract / Age-Gap 


Exciting Release Alert! 

Dive into the world of hockey, secrets, and unexpected connections in BAD PUCKING ROOMMATE by Michele Lenard! 


Uncover the intimate rituals of teammates Luca and his unconventional roommate, where chemistry extends beyond the ice. When their secrets threaten disaster, an unexpected bond forms, leading to a journey of love, triumph, and unexpected consequences. 

Grab your copy now! 

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Secrets threaten disaster in this bi-awakening, MM romance about two teammates who have chemistry that extends beyond the ice, an unconventional roommate agreement, and a not-safe-for-work pair of dice.

Athletes are notoriously superstitious. Some don’t wash their gear. Others sleep with it. I’ve even heard of a guy that peed on the field to ward off evil spirits. But as far as I’m aware, my teammate Luca is the only guy whose ritual requires a more intimate activity.

I wouldn’t know that if I hadn’t stumbled into it by accident, and even then, I wouldn’t have thought my presence had any effect. But the next day he got on the ice and had one of the most spectacular games I’ve seen him play.

One of his best ever.

And it gives me an idea.

At first Luca objects. He’s embarrassed by the things he has to do to play well and doesn’t want to involve me in his sordid activities. But when he realizes there’s no other option he relents, and we become roommates to make things…convenient.

It was supposed to be a means to an end. A way to prolong his career. Things don’t go according to plan.

Now I’m harboring two secrets, both of which could hurt Luca and the team, and there’s no telling how deep the consequences will run if they come out. But one thing is certain—as the veteran player, he’s the one they’ll accuse of being a bad pucking roommate.

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Book Review ~ Bad Pucking Influence by Michele Lenard (Excerpt + Giveaway)

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Book Review, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Bad Pucking Influence
By Michele Lenard

Bad Pucking Influence Cover

Colorado Bulldogs, Book 2

Thor meets Tony Hawk in this comedic, low-angst/high spice MM romance about a serious hockey goalie who is drawn out of his shell by a bratty skateboarder, a dare involving cake, and a lesson in how to use joysticks-for video games of course.

On the surface, I’ve got it all. I’m the starting goalie and Captain of the Colorado Bulldogs hockey team. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with. I can count an entire team of elite athletes as my friends. And according to the pundits, I’m an eligible bachelor.

That’s the image everyone sees, but it’s just a role I play. A part dictated by my career. I have to be just as perfect off the ice as I am on it since everything I do reflects on my team in some way or another. So, those questions I have about why I don’t crave sexual contact the way my teammates do–questions I’m afraid to ask with the world watching… I decided a long time ago it didn’t make sense to look for answers until after I retire.

Then I ran into him.

Tripp is loud, obnoxious, and full of confidence. Some people find his sass off-putting, but not me. I find it intriguing, and I admire his ability to be himself, consequences be damned. Apparently, I also admire the way he looks, since my eyes seem to linger on him longer than they should, and when he sets his sights on me…

Waiting for retirement to explore who I am seems like too big a sacrifice, so when Tripp offers to help me answer some of those questions about myself, I jump.

I’m tired of pretending to be Mr. Perfect… Tripp and his playboy antics might be just the thing I need to figure out who I am outside of hockey. The only problem is, everyone–including our mutual friends–see him as a bad pucking influence.

Bad Pucking Influence is a low-angst, high-spice MM romance featuring a hockey player and a brat, not a hockey book featuring a romance. Fans of bratty playboys and gentle giants will enjoy this light-hearted, steamy yet touching love story.

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Blog Tour ~ Bad Pucking Influence by Michele Lenard (Review + Excerpt + Giveaway)

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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Bad Pucking Influence
By Michele Lenard

Bad Pucking Influence Cover

Colorado Bulldogs, Book 2

Thor meets Tony Hawk in this comedic, low-angst/high spice MM romance about a serious hockey goalie who is drawn out of his shell by a bratty skateboarder, a dare involving cake, and a lesson in how to use joysticks-for video games of course.

On the surface, I’ve got it all. I’m the starting goalie and Captain of the Colorado Bulldogs hockey team. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with. I can count an entire team of elite athletes as my friends. And according to the pundits, I’m an eligible bachelor.

That’s the image everyone sees, but it’s just a role I play. A part dictated by my career. I have to be just as perfect off the ice as I am on it since everything I do reflects on my team in some way or another. So, those questions I have about why I don’t crave sexual contact the way my teammates do–questions I’m afraid to ask with the world watching… I decided a long time ago it didn’t make sense to look for answers until after I retire.

Then I ran into him.

Tripp is loud, obnoxious, and full of confidence. Some people find his sass off-putting, but not me. I find it intriguing, and I admire his ability to be himself, consequences be damned. Apparently, I also admire the way he looks, since my eyes seem to linger on him longer than they should, and when he sets his sights on me…

Waiting for retirement to explore who I am seems like too big a sacrifice, so when Tripp offers to help me answer some of those questions about myself, I jump.

I’m tired of pretending to be Mr. Perfect… Tripp and his playboy antics might be just the thing I need to figure out who I am outside of hockey. The only problem is, everyone–including our mutual friends–see him as a bad pucking influence.

Bad Pucking Influence is a low-angst, high-spice MM romance featuring a hockey player and a brat, not a hockey book featuring a romance. Fans of bratty playboys and gentle giants will enjoy this light-hearted, steamy yet touching love story.

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Blog Tour ~ Bad Pucking Timing by Michele Lenard (Reviews + Excerpt + Giveaway)

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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Bad Pucking Timing
By Michele Lenard

Bad Pucking Timing Cover

Colorado Bulldogs, Book 1

The ice is my happy place. My sanctuary. The source of my happiest memories, and the promise of my future. It’s also the reason I’m living a lie.

As a kid you don’t think about the sacrifices you’ll have to make for your dreams. After all, dreams are supposed to be happy, so all you see is the finish line, not what you’ll have to give up to get there.

I surrendered a carefree childhood to hours upon hours of grueling practices. Abandoned life with my family in favor of a boarding school that would hone my skills to perfection. But my biggest sacrifice, the one I couldn’t predict I’d have to make as a little boy, is denying who I am.

To the world I’m the top rookie in this year’s NHL draft. The most promising defender the league has seen in years. For years that’s all I wanted to be, and now that I’m here…

I knew my career would intersect with my personal life at some point, I just didn’t expect it to happen before I played my first pro game.

That’s why he is so dangerous. My lifelong dream is within reach, and now there’s another I want to pursue. If only it weren’t such bad pucking timing.

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