Cover Reveal ~ Accidentally Undercover Series (Giveaway)

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Accidentally Undercover Series
Cover Reveal & Giveaway

In Accidentally Undercover, everyday heroes risk life and limb for the people they love, even if they hardly know their real identities. Join six amazing authors for six amazing new LGBTQ+ stories full of suspense, mystery, action, and happily ever after.

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Cover Design: Covers by Jo

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Under Her Roof by Allison Temple

Allison Temple_Under her Roof

My name is Gillian and I have three problems:

  • A fallen tree through the roof of my family’s remote island cottage.
  • A sister trying to sell said cottage out from under me.
  • A dead body in the living room. Sadly, it’s not my sister’s.

Actually, make that four problems: my ex, Amanda, just showed up uninvited. Apparently, she’s a spy, undercover to investigate the luxury wine auction hosted by my conniving sister.

We’ve got no connection to the mainland and a murderer on the island, so tonight Amanda and I have three missions:

  • Find the killer
  • Stay alive
  • Escape by sunrise

Actually, make that four missions: Do not fall in love, because apparently Amanda and I are far from over.

Under Her Roof is part of the Accidentally Undercover shared LGBTQ+ romantic suspense series.

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