Blog Tour ~ Drama Queen by Charlie Novak (Reviews + Giveaway)


The Court Series – Book One

by Charlie Novak

Blog Tour

Release Date: November 28, 2023

Model & Discreet Cover Design:

Natasha Snow Designs


Wander Aguiar Photography
Model: Brendan M.

Genre: M/M Romance Standalone

Trope: Hookups to lovers, found family, drag queen, rugby player, meet ugly, size difference, queer found family


Note to self: dumping cocktails into a man’s lap does not count as a meet cute.

Accidentally throwing a jug of Sex on the Beach onto the hottest guy at drag brunch was not how I wanted to start my performance, and forgetting to ask for his name was the cherry on top.

But when he finds me online and invites me out for drinks, it seems like my chaotic shenanigans might have worked out for once. Falling into bed with West is easy, but balancing a gorgeous, rugby player boyfriend with a day job and drag is harder than dancing in eight inch heels.

And when my participation in a local drag story hour draws the ire of certain locals, it feels like everything might fall apart. West doesn’t understand why I won’t step down, but I’ve never been afraid of being myself.

Now I just need West to stand beside me. Because he’s the only man who’s ever loved me as Rory and Bubblegum Galaxy, and I won’t let that slip away.

You can call me a drama queen, but you’ll never dull my sparkle.

Content Warning: This novel contains an attempted homophobic attack, the use of slurs and violent language.

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Release Blitz ~ ISO: In Search Of by Lucy Lennox & Molly Maddox (Reviews)

Title: ISO: In Search Of
Series: After Oscar #4
Authors: Lucy Lennox & Molly Maddox
Genre: MM Romance
Tropes: Fish Out of Water/Cowboy/Grumpy Sunshine
Release Date: October 24, 2023
How in the world does a grumpy rancher end up falling for a rich dilettante?
Richard Dunning has it all: private school education, an exquisite designer wardrobe, a last name that ensures he’s invited to all the best parties, and a skincare regimen that’s to die for.
The only thing he doesn’t have is… well, a job. Or a home. Or money in the bank. Not since his dad cut him off.
So when his best frenemy approaches him with a bet—spend a month working as a cowhand on some godforsaken Wyoming ranch in exchange for his dream job—he’s a little too proud and a lot too desperate to say no.
But from the moment Richard and his rhinestone cowboy hat show up at the Silver Fork Ranch, nothing is as expected.
Not the beautiful vistas, not the terrifying horses, not the friendly people, not the epic quantities of cow manure, and definitely not Boone Hammond, the rugged rancher whose eyes are a little too intense, whose expectations are a little too high, and whose kisses are… a lot too tempting.
But when his month on the ranch comes to a close, Richard must choose: return to the safe, luxurious life he thought he wanted… or risk everything for the love he’s been IN SEARCH OF all along.

Release Tour ~ Secrets We Fight by Kimberly Knight & Rachel Lyn Adams (Reviews)

Title: Secrets We Fight
Author: Kimberly Knight & Rachel Lyn Adams
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Date: October 16, 2023
Cover Designer: Nicole Blanchard at IndieSage
Cover Photographer: 6:12 Photography by Eric McKinney

★★★★★ “If you are on the fence about MM romance, Secrets We Fight is just the story to illustrate how beautiful the genre can be. The story, being a forbidden romance, just makes it even better for me.” ~ Trudy D.

★★★★★ “The chemistry between these two men is absolute fire.” ~ Michelle

Rhett Davis, a dedicated Secret Service agent, has always aspired to protect the president of the United States. But destiny has a wicked sense of humor. Instead of guarding the commander-in-chief, he’s assigned to the president’s magnetic son, Fallon.
Fallon Donnelley is a law student determined to forge his own path, and strives to create his own legacy beyond his family name. Even with his grueling school schedule, Fallon can’t help but be distracted by the man tasked with keeping him safe.
The more time Rhett and Fallon spend together, it becomes harder to deny their attraction for one another. Despite the risks to both their reputations, their flirty banter sparks a sizzling secret affair.
While their relationship deepens, a weekend trip to celebrate a friend’s upcoming wedding changes everything. It’s there they learn Fallon’s identical brother has a secret of his own, one that will cause Rhett and Fallon’s world to shatter.
As their forbidden love story unravels, Rhett and Fallon’s love for one another becomes the ultimate test of loyalty, and they must decide if it’s worth risking it all to follow their hearts.
Or die trying.

New Release Reviews ~ XOXO by Christina Lee

New Release Reviews ~ XOXO by Christina Lee


Lark Levitt doesn’t belong at Roosevelt College, at least in theory. Most students who attend the private university come from wealthy families, and Lark is only a scholarship and a bus ride away from the trailer park where he lives. It’s also a dream come true because dance is his life, and their program is one of the most prestigious in the country. But there are bumps in the road, like running into someone from a difficult time in his childhood. Someone who now pretends he doesn’t exist.

Henry Albrecht survived childhood cancer and is now a Roosevelt quarterback and model student. His past is something his father insists Henry keep private, and though his dad has his reasons, it makes his remission feel like a dirty secret instead of a triumph. He has few precious memories from that time in his life, except for a kid from the hospital who made his recovery manageable. A kid who’s all grown up now and at Roosevelt, jeopardizing everything Henry’s carefully kept under wraps.

They decide the best course of action is to keep their distance. Easier said than done. Their renewed connection brings solace, clarity, and a raw intensity that awakens a spark between them. But hiding their history is exhausting, and soon enough their secret meetups are in danger of being exposed. Henry will need to face his fears—and his father—or lose the only person who’s ever understood the real him.

*CW: discussions of cancer treatments and mental health struggles


🏈🩰Release Date: July 20th, 2023

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Release Blitz ~ Take the Plunge by Colette Davison (Review + Excerpt + Giveaway)


Book Title: Take the Plunge

Author and Publisher: Colette Davison

Cover Artist: Morningstar Ashley Designs

Release Date: June 22, 2023

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Forced proximity, best friend’s brother/brother’s best friend, friends to lovers, bisexual exploration

Themes: Learning to trust

Heat Rating: 3.5 – 4 flames

Length: 65 000 words

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Universal Link | Amazon US | Amazon UK

One weekend could lead to forever if Jett can take the plunge.



Jett didn’t expect to spend the weekend trapped in a remote holiday house with his best friend’s brother. As they try to pass the time, Kian’s bright enthusiasm starts to break through Jett’s gruff defences. When Kian offers to help Jett explore his desires with no strings attached, everything changes.

Fooling around when your heart isn’t on the line is one thing, but when the weekend ends, neither man wants their casual arrangement to end. Past betrayal has made Jett wary of trusting anyone, but even though Kian’s patience seems to be never-ending, Jett knows it’s only a matter of time before ‘no strings’ turns into ‘goodbye’.

Can Jett look past his fear and make the man who’s claimed his heart his?

Take the Plunge is a standalone contemporary M/M romance where a jaded man with a permanent storm cloud over his head falls for a sunshiny optimist. There’s forced proximity, an interfering best friend, swoony moonlight swimming, bi-sexual exploration, and lots of first times.

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Blog Tour ~ Mike Bravo Ops: Atlas by Eden Finley (Reviews + Giveaway)


Mike Bravo Ops #3

by Eden Finley

Blog Tour

Release Date: June 8, 2023

Cover Design:

Cate Ashwood Designs


Peter Henry Serres

Model: Olivier T.


Genre: M/M Military Romance

Trope: Workplace romance, friends to lovers, romantic suspense, grumpy/sunshine, found family



Working undercover at a strip club is not my usual kind of job. If it weren’t a great opportunity to show the Mike Bravo team I can run my own op, I wouldn’t have agreed to it.

When my boss asks me to befriend the biggest gossip in the establishment, the person who knows everything, I’m even more reluctant. Because that happens to be one of the dancers. The only dancer to catch my attention in all the wrong ways.

I need to be professional or I will never prove I’m leadership material.

Only problem is, the guy with the stage name Lemon makes me want to be anything but professional.


I’m sick of the new bartender throwing dirty looks my way. He’s as judgmental as he is hot, and let’s just say he’s really judgmental.

I don’t know why he’s working here if he looks down on us dancers so much. He could bartend at a regular club.

But when he saves me from a drunken customer getting too handsy, his attitude suddenly flips, and we find ourselves becoming … friends?

Underneath the judgment, it turns out Atlas is a total sweetheart.

Maybe more caring than anyone I’ve ever met.

I’ve never had a relationship before, but something tells me it could be way too easy to fall for the gentle giant.

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Release Tour ~ Kicking it with the Best Man by Riley Long (Reviews + Excerpt + Giveaway)

Kicking it with the Best Man Banner

Release & Instagram Tour & Giveaway:
Kicking it with the Best Man
By Riley Long


Out and Kickin’, Book 1

I’ve been out and proud for years, happily living my truth. Never did I imagine I would be asked to step back into the closet.

Until that night at the club.

After one too many cocktails, I ended up in a bathroom stall enjoying a hot and steamy tryst with a super sexy guy named Nate. We exchanged numbers and indulged in some spicy sexting.

But when I asked him to meet up again, he ghosted me.

I tried distracting myself by acting as a friend’s plus one to a wedding. Who do I see standing next to the groom, looking like a snack? Nate. He claims no one knows he’s gay and asks me to be discreet. Still, my years of hiding are behind me. Can I help him find the strength to come out to his family and friends? Or will his reservations be too big an obstacle to overcome?

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New Release Reviews ~ Teacher of the Year by M.A. Wardell (Excerpt + Giveaway)

TOTY Tropes

New Release Reviews, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Teacher of the Year
By M.A. Wardell

Teacher of the Year Cover with quote

Love: Not as easy as ABC.

They were supposed to keep things casual. Who’d expect they’d be schooled in love?

Those who can, teach. Marvin Block is one of the best kindergarten teachers out there. And despite his anxiety, Marvin’s life is sweet. He knows what he wants. And what he wants is the Teacher of the Year Award. Not just for himself – his school needs him to win.

Returning from break, the New Year finds Marvin all set to welcome a new pupil to his class. But when Illona walks in with her cute-as-hell single dad beside her, Marvin’s focus starts to slide.

Sure, his students always come first, but he deserves to have a life outside the classroom, too, right?

As their friendship starts to deepen, Marvin realizes Olan has the potential to teach him things about love he never thought possible. But with the Teacher of the Year award and his school’s future on the line, now’s not the time for anything complicated.

Education has always been Marvin’s world. And he needs to keep a cool head if he wants to win the award and save his school. But will it be worth it if he loses Olan in the process?

With Olan’s past and Marvin’s present colliding, their experiment in love hangs in the balance. Marvin knows what he wants out of life. But now he’s forced to consider what he wants out of love.

Will Marvin chalk the relationship up to experience? Or can they revise their story into a textbook romance?

Teacher of the Year is a steamy open door friends-to-lovers gay romance novel that explores the balance between friends, family, career, and relationships while overcoming trauma and dealing with anxiety.

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Release Blitz ~ Cherry Picked by May Archer (Reviews)

Title: Cherry Picked
Series: The Sunday Brothers #3
Author: May Archer
Genre: MM Romance
Tropes: Brother’s Best Friend/Age Gap
Release Date: May 2, 2023
Never ask your brother’s best friend to… pick your cherry.
When I asked Jack Wyatt to help me lose my pesky v-card, I didn’t expect him to keel over in shocked disapproval and nearly tumble us down a mountain.
You might think a guy who’s been reading romance novels his whole life would’ve figured out a smoother way to broach the subject, but in my defense, I’ve been pining for Jack for seven long years, just waiting for him to notice me.
Jack sees me as sweet, shy Hawk Sunday: his Pride and Prejudice-obsessed hiking buddy; his dependable employee; the honorary little brother he’s determined to protect, not…deflower.
But to me, Jack is everything a romantic hero should be: tall, gorgeous, kind, and brilliant.
Or at least I thought he was brilliant… until he started getting so many things so boneheadedly wrong.
Like refusing to do the deflowering himself, but also, erm… blocking any other potential plant-lovers from getting all up in my garden.
And like continuing to see me as someone who needs protecting, rather than a man who needs possessing…
A man who’s determined to get his cherry well and truly picked this summer, whether Jack Wyatt likes it or not. 

Book Reviews ~ The Half Baked Plan by Becca Jackson (Excerpt)

IG Sized THBP Teaser 2

Book Reviews & Excerpt:
The Half Baked Plan
By Becca Jackson

Handsome man posing

Love in No Man’s Land Series, Book 2

Fire took out my business, my apartment and almost my life a few weeks back, and now I’m living in my best friend’s house while I rebuild, and he travels the world. He found his perfect match and now It’s time I found mine.

After years on my own, I want a family, but I have zero hope in finding my match while I’m still completely crushing on the hottest builder in the world, and to make matters worse, he’s now my roommate.

I thought sharing a house with Carter would help me get over him. I’d see why he’s never had a boyfriend, or anyone worth bringing around town. I’d discover all of his faults up close and squash the perfect god-like image I’ve cemented in my mind all these years.

Problem is, no matter what annoying habits I jot down on my list, the more time I spend with him the more I’m convinced Carter is everything I will ever need. Now I just have to figure out a way to tell him.


With Michael traveling the world, it’s just Lucas and me in his house while we rebuild the café, bakery, and apartment. I’m happy for Michael. I really am, but seeing another friend get their happy beginning shines a light again on the fact that I might never get mine.

I’m sick of being everyone’s best friend, yet no one’s boyfriend. I want my happy beginning too. I want someone to pick me. To want me. To love me.

So I do what any single guy would do, I sign up for speed dating. Blind dates suck but I’m never going to find the one if I don’t start putting myself out there.

The problem is, the more time I spend living with Lucas the more I realize, I don’t want any of these random hookups. I want the sweetest guy I’ve ever met. The one who bakes me cookies to make me smile. So now I have to figure out a way to show him I can be an awesome boyfriend. I can be his happy beginning if he will just give me a chance out of the friend zone.

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Book Reviews ~ Ripped by Linden Bell (Excerpt)

Ripped Teaser 4

Book Reviews & Excerpt:
By Linden Bell

Ripped Ebook 3

Mars Fitness, Book 1

Sometimes heartache is a blessing in disguise.

I thought my life was perfect. I lived with my amazing boyfriend. I worked with my ride-or-die best friend. I was on track to made-it-ville.

Then I came home one day to find my boyfriend sleeping with my best friend.

Now I’m lost with no one to turn to except Donnie, the silver fox who lets me crash at his house until I can figure out what the hell went wrong and how I’m supposed to fix it.

But once I’m there, I’m not sure I want to leave.

Donnie’s a lot older than me and he’s still grieving the death of his husband. My life is a trash fire and my career is non-existent. He’s a svelte spin instructor and I’m a film geek. We couldn’t be more different, but we need each other like we both need to breathe.

So maybe my boyfriend sleeping with my best friend wasn’t the worst thing to happen. Maybe it was the best. It brought me to Donnie.

Ripped is an age gap, nerd/jock, opposites attract MM romance between roommates who cuddle on the couch while watching classic movies. Expect steamy shower rooms, teary confessions, disapproving family, and brand new starts. It is the first book in the Mars Fitness series and can be read as a standalone.

CW: off-page sudden loss of a spouse, off-page homophobia, cheating secondary characters. Happily ever after guaranteed.

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Release Blitz ~ Starboard by Ava Olsen (Reviews + Excerpt + Giveaway)


Book Title: Starboard (Voyagers Book 2)

Author and Publisher: Ava Olsen

Cover Artist: Angela Haddon

Release Date: March 21, 2023

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, collaborators to lovers, close proximity, second chances, bisexual rep

Themes: coming out – bisexual rep, second chances, redemption

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length: 262 pages

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Universal Link  |  Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 

Dylan Aylmer is a Hollywood actor struggling to make a comeback.

Falling in love with his ghostwriter wasn’t part of the script.


Dylan: I’ve lived my adult life under the Hollywood spotlight, but no one really sees who I am. I’ve gone down the dark path of drinking my anxiety away, along with my career, but now I’m searching for the light again. My struggle to stay sober has me releasing long held secrets.

 A contract to publish my autobiography means laying everything in the open. When I meet Max, my ghostwriter, I’m not sure how our collaboration is going to work. He’s a university professor from New York with more degrees than I can count and I’m a guy from West Texas that barely finished college. And he may be my ghostwriter, but Max is anything but invisible.

 Intimate confessions lead to heightened emotions and an unexpected love that fills up all my empty places. I don’t know what the future holds, but I want Max to be a part of it.

I’m done hiding in plain sight. It’s time for this star to finally shine. 

Max: I’m an established university professor and a celebrity ghostwriter. Why ghostwriting? Because it pays. And I need the money. My ex-husband likes to threaten me with legal battles over custody of our daughter and while he has family reserves, I don’t.

 So I take a summer ghostwriting contract, a celebrity tell-all. I expect to meet another self-absorbed actor, but Dylan Aylmer doesn’t fit any pre-conceived mold. His eyes are so haunted that I can’t look away and now I’m curious to unlock all his secrets.

What I find is not only a man trying to mend his broken soul but a beautiful person that is so much more than outward appearances. I swore I’d never be vulnerable to heartache again, but Dylan has me breaking all my steadfast rules.

 Am I chasing a shooting star, soon to be gone, or is our love the kind that shines forever?

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Blog Tour ~ Never Have I Ever: Had a Bromance with a Teammate by Willow Dixon (Reviews + Giveaway)



Never Have I Ever – Book Three

by Willow Dixon

Blog Tour

Release Date: March 9, 2023


Cover Design:

Cate Ashwood Designs

Genre: M/M College Sports Romance

Trope: Best friends to lovers


How could one kiss change everything between me and my best friend?

Jax has been my best friend since the day we met. We not only share our passion for baseball, but we train together, play on the same team, hang out together, even sleep in the same bed half the time.

I feel safe with him, and he gets me like no one else. Yeah, he’s gay and I’m straight, but that doesn’t matter.

Until it does.

Until one stupid dare to kiss each other leads to the most amazing, epic kiss of my life.

Until I suddenly can’t stop thinking about him, about what he awakens in me.

Until all I want is him.

Our bromance evolves into something much deeper, something that neither of us can define. I explore new territory with him and discover sides of myself I never knew I had.

But with not only our future in baseball on the line but also our friendship, how can this thing between us ever be more than temporary? A bromance between besties doesn’t have to change anything, right?

Matt and Jax’s story is a best friends-to-lovers romance between teammates who discover that a bromance between besties is exactly what they’ve always wanted but never thought they could have. Expect lots of bff banter, some serious steam, and tons of sweetness as these two oblivious jocks navigate the line between boyfriends and bros. It is the third novel in the exciting Never Have I Ever series but can be read as a standalone.

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Book Review ~ Oh Buoy by Ava Olsen (Excerpt + Giveaway)

OhbuoyIG5 copy

Book Review, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Oh Buoy
By Ava Olsen


Voyagers, Book 1

Andrew: I’ve traveled the world as a yacht steward for the past year, trying to outrun a broken heart and a mountain of debt. Then a gig as a chief stew on board a yacht in the Caribbean comes my way. The timing is right, the weather is perfect, and the pay is desperately needed.

There’s just one problem…

My billionaire boss, Rowan Carter, is way too distracting. With his charming British accent and sarcastic quips, Rowan commands all my attention and none of it is focused on work. I prepare to meet another entitled jerk when I step on board his ship, but it turns out that Rowan is the exception to the billionaire rule. And I get a first-hand glimpse of the kindhearted man behind the money.

The professional line between us melts away but I’ve been badly burned by a workplace relationship gone wrong. And Rowan and I live in two very different worlds. I can’t – shouldn’t – fall for Rowan Carter.

Oh boy. Too late.

Rowan: I run a real estate empire but being in the top one percent isn’t all fun and caviar. The family business has struggled these past two years and now the one place that was my refuge may be taken away from me. Add to that, I’m a target for the paparazzi because of a former relationship. I’ve never felt so alone. Lonely. Unmoored…

Until a dreamy American named Andrew Slater walks aboard my ship and into my life. Andrew takes delight in answering my snark with sarcastic retorts and his wit is matched by quiet acts of kindness.

Falling in love is an unexpected voyage for both of us. Unless the press gets wind of our relationship, and then all bets are off.

But I fight to win because Andrew is the most important deal of my life.

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Blog Tour ~ Got Me Merry by Casey Cox (Reviews + Giveaway)


Vet Shop Boys #6

by Casey Cox

Blog Tour

Release Date: November 30, 2022

Cover Design:

Wicked by Design

Genre: M/M Holiday Romance

Trope: Best friends-to-lovers, found family, small town romance, grumpy sunshine, satire, HEA


Can my best friend get me to enjoy the holidays? Ho… Ho… Um… No?

Christmas just isn’t my jam. The crowds. The cold. That Mariah Carey song blasting everywhere I go. Thanks, but no thanks.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m no Grinch. The holidays are awesome if you have a great family and money to shower them with gifts. Unfortunately for me, I have neither of those things.

All I want for Christmas (great, now I’m quoting that damn Mariah song) is to focus on my internship at the Vet Shop Boys clinic and hanging out with my best friend and roommate.

Turns out Chester has got other ideas. Along with a crew of loved-up vets, he’s on a mission to get me to enjoy the holidays and fall in love with him.

Wait… What?!

There’s no way I’ll ever become one of those festive people who likes Christmas, but who knows? Maybe this will be the first holiday season that actually gets me merry?

Got Me Merry is book 6 in the Vet Shop Boys series and can be read as a stand-alone. Expect plenty of humor, found family, best-friends-to-lovers, a grumpy Christmas Grinch, a sunshiny Christmas lover, some very wacky Christmas traditions, a sizzling hot fun run on a freezing winter day, a two-legged dog with a heart of gold, meddling vets determined to add a sprinkling of love to the holidays, and a heartwarming happily ever after!

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