Blog Tour ~ Totally Geeked by Becca Jackson (Excerpt + Giveaway)

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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Totally Geeked
By Becca Jackson

Totally Geeked Cover

Love In Play Series, Book 2

Harrison’s love life is a parade of fun, flirty encounters thanks to every dating app you can imagine, but nothing sticks. Finally, sick of the endless cycle of Friday night hookups, he hits uninstall on the apps and challenges the universe to show him that he deserves someone better.

What he didn’t expect was the universe throwing him a curveball in the form of his best friend’s younger brother. Despite being best friends with Gordon for years, he’s never actually met his siblings and even half-joked they didn’t exist.

But there they are, at a party at Gordon’s place, and one brother, Arlo, is seriously hard to ignore. He’s nothing like Gordon. Quiet, adorable, and totally off-limits… which sucks. But when Harrison spots an opportunity to help him steady his nerves on his children’s book tour, he jumps at the chance to get to know him better, because spending time with him feels like the most right thing he’s done in forever.

The more time they spend together, the less Harrison can imagine being with anyone else. But going after what he wants means betraying his best friend. Can he find the courage to catch life’s most unexpected pitches?

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Preorder Blast ~ Fractured Hope by Kady Cordova

Fractured Hope, the debut novel from Kady Cordova is releasing May 30th! Preorder this MM contemporary romance today!

Preorder Your Copy Today!


Can I really escape hell to find all I’ve ever longed for?


Finding yourself is hard. Finding someone you can truly trust is harder.

I have never known what it was like to have a true home or family, let alone real love.

After almost a year of planning, I finally escaped my abusive ex and ran as far away as I could with just the clothes on my back and a handful of cash. When I arrive in the quaint town of Hope’s Ridge, I’m ready to start over and reclaim my life.

When I painfully crash into Atticus’s life, something about him puts me at ease. I’ve never been one to trust, but now I’m in a situation where I have no choice. He might be what I’ve been longing for my whole life.


I love my tight-knit town, my big Greek family, and the life I’ve built. I have a successful garage with my brothers and love my job. I have it good, but every now and then I long for a connection. Someone to chase away the loneliness that’s been creeping in. As my brothers like to point out, I am set in my ways and not one for flings, bar hopping, or one-night stands.

When a beautiful man stumbles into my life, I’m blown away. He’s skittish and afraid, but all I want to do is take care of him.

When Bodhi’s ex starts making threats, danger gets ever closer and threatens everything I hold dear. Can I keep Bodhi safe and prove to him he is worthy of love? Or will he run and take my heart with him?

Fractured Hope is a small-town, hurt/comfort, age-gap MM Romance with a broken boy looking for a safe place, a lonely man longing to find his person, and a family full of love, mischief, and colorful characters ready to step in and protect each other no matter the costs.


Trigger Warnings:

This book contains flashback scenes of domestic violence, and emotional abuse, also insinuated SA subtext. One scene of a panic attack and themes of PTSD, mental health, threats, stalking and (gun) violence. Continue reading “Preorder Blast ~ Fractured Hope by Kady Cordova”

Release Blitz ~ Tooth and Nail by Patricia Logan (Excerpt + Giveaway)

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Tooth and Nail
By Patricia Logan

Tooth and Nail Cover

U.S. Marshals I.S.R. (Interspecies Response), Book 1

The very last thing U.S. Marshal Eoghan Sapphire wants is a new partnership. Worse yet, the transfer from Lexington, Kentucky is a civilian. That means it’ll be Eoghan’s responsibility to break him into the I.S.R. and the unique way their particular U.S. Marshals Service unit operates. He decides being a jerk to him and keeping him at arm’s length just might be the way to handle things…until he meets him.

Aristotle Brown isn’t like anyone Eoghan’s ever known before. He’s polite, willing to learn, and most of all, devastatingly handsome. Eoghan’s actually happy they’re thrown into a dangerous situation with a WITSEC protectee the first day his brand-new partner is on the job. Dealing with this particular man will let Eoghan know what Ari Brown’s made of. Will he break under pressure?

Dealing with humans is standard everyday stuff in the U.S. Marshals Service but other non-human species like shifters, other paranormals, and aliens from distant star systems…well, that’s where things promise to get downright interesting. Their second day on the job is no different. And he’s not prepared for Ari’s cool-headed composure when he comes face to face with an example of everything the I.S.R. deals with every day.

To top it all off, the marshal sent to back the two men up when things get dicey in Griffith Park isn’t as reliable as Eoghan had hoped. The impulses of the guy nearly get them all killed but fortunately, Ari performs like a dream, helping extract everyone when things go from bad to worse. Eoghan is sure of a couple of things…acting as this man’s training officer isn’t going to be such a struggle after all, and keeping his hands off him is going to be the hardest part about this assignment.

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Release Blitz ~ Port in a Storm by Rhys Ford (Review + Excerpt + Giveaway)


Book Title: Port in a Storm (Sinners Series)

Author: Rhys Ford

Publisher: Dreamspinner

Cover Artist: Rhys Ford

Release Date: January 23, 2024

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Married M/M Couple foster / adopt child

Themes: Dealing with childhood trauma, questioning whether the past makes a bad father, found family

Heat Rating: 3 flames

Length: 59 000 words/ 200 pages

It is book 8 in the Sinner’s Gin Series and does not end on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links

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San Francisco SWAT Lieutenant Connor Morgan and Crossroads Gin drummer Forest Ackerman make an odd couple. Connor, an Irish-born cop from a tight-knit family, never imagined he’d find his happily-ever-after with a raised-on-the-streets musician, but Forest had the gentlest soul he’d ever met. After a long, hard road of heartbreak, murder, and trouble, they fell hard in love and married.

Then Fate intervenes and throws their lives into a chaos neither one of them is prepared for.

During a brutal SWAT raid, Connor stumbles on Tate, an abused, vulnerable little boy caught in a shoot-out with his father’s drug-running gang. As heavy fire riddles the walls, an injured Connor rescues Tate from the fray… only to be struck numb when a caseworker pries a sobbing Tate from his arms.

Scarred from his own childhood experiences, Forest doubts he can be a good enough father, but Connor assures him they can give Tate what he needs and more. Soon they are on an insane ride where trust and affection are hard-earned, especially when coming from a little boy raised in society’s filthiest gutters. Facing down every challenge thrown their way, they battle to give Tate what Connor treasures and Forest never had—a family to call his own.

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Release Blitz ~ Unnatural Fate by JR Gray (Review)



Release Dates: December 6th

Genre/Tropes: Paranormal Romance / Vampire/Werewolf / Enemies to Lovers / Fated Mates / Possessive Alpha / Blood play / Forbidden Romance

Immerse yourself in the forbidden allure of Unnatural Fate by JR Gray!

A paranormal romance masterpiece that transcends boundaries, featuring vampires, werewolves, and a love that defies a centuries-old blood war.

Get ready for a heart-wrenching journey where enemies become lovers and destinies collide.

Unnatural Fate is a standalone masterpiece that will leave you breathless.

Grab your copy now!



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​​My soul mate is my natural enemy.

Or close enough.

He’s a vampire and I’m a wolf.

Our kinds are at war. A centuries old blood war.

I can’t stay away from him. I hate him, but I want him.

Our love is a standoff. For every inch I take, he pushes a mile.

The world is against us. But I’m so tired of fighting the ties between us.

For every wolf that dies at the hands of a vampire, I feel more guilty.

Yet I go to him over and over and we use each other just enough until next time.

I can’t stop.

We both swear it’ll be the last time, but here we are again.

The cycle never ends.

But this time it has to.

I must either choose him and betray my people or walk away for good.


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Cover Reveal ~ Lonely Diner by Dann Hazel (Giveaway)

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Cover Reveal & Giveaway:
Lonely Diner
By Dann Hazel

Lonely Diner Cover

Some Like It Haute! Book 3

Two conflicted military men. A longing for happiness. One Lonely Diner, where people often search for a recipe for love. (The food is good there, too.)

One man plays it straight. Another grieves over a lost best friend with benefits.

Everyone thought they were meant for each other. Lance, an Air Force computer engineer, and Ryan, a former submariner in the Navy and now a military college professor, are gay men blinded by the painful wounds of their past decisions. Both men are ready for love. But because of their pasts, they’ve slammed the brakes on their desires.

Now thirty years old, a younger Ryan Ball decides he can be happy only by conforming to social expectations. So what does he do? He decides he must have a wife and kids. Though he acknowledges that he can never be straight, he is convinced that with effort, determination, alcohol and erectile dysfunction meds, he can play the necessary roles.

Vikki, Ryan’s girlfriend in high school and now his wife, begs to differ.

At thirty-one, Lance Dingle falls for his best friend and roommate, Randy, a stunt pilot who agrees to a friends-with-benefits arrangement. From Lance’s perspective, there’s a spark in their arrangement that Randy denies. Then, tragedy strikes. Lance finds himself alone and lonely, living with memories of Randy and an ever-expanding list of “what-might-have-beens.” Finally forcing himself into the dating scene, Lance discovers that Mr. Right is more elusive than he ever imagined.

Then, Callie Yenti, transwoman, drag performer extraordinaire and entrepreneur, enters the picture. She owns the popular Lonely Diner and possesses an uncanny insight into the workings of the heart.

Even the complicated hearts of her two hard-headed friends, Lance and Ryan.

A HEA gay romance.

Trigger Warning: This novel includes scenes from a sexual assault and a PTSD episode.

Tropes: Military Romance, Coming Out, Overcoming Adversity, Second Chances.

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Release Blitz ~ Shattered by Charli Meadows


Shattered, the final book in the Unlucky 13 series by Charli Meadows is NOW LIVE! Pick up this hurt comfort, hidden identity MM romance today!


Welcome to Black Diamond Resort and Spa. . .

Ah. The former child star, throwing a tantrum at the airport until he gets his way. How appropriate. I keep an eye on who comes and goes from my island, but I also keep a low profile, choosing to blend in as one of the regulars. I stay in a villa on the water, like everyone else, and my new neighbor is none other than Jett Roman himself.

 The exhausted, entitled brat with the smart mouth and tempting glare resists all help from my staff. He seeks me out daily, venting his frustrations, ignoring all rules. He disrespects my establishment and, unknowingly, me.

 I’m a very patient man, but everyone has their limits. I will be gentle with the delicate little doll before me, but he needs to listen. Because it’s clear to everyone else that he’s utterly shattered, and I can’t seem to stop myself from wanting to bend him a little before I heal his broken pieces.

 Shattered is the final book in the Unlucky 13 shared world. It is a standalone gay romance. You can expect a light, enemies-to-lovers dynamic with humor, an age gap, hurt/comfort, and a hidden identity. This novel is intended for 18+ readers. See Author’s Note for Content Warnings.

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New Release Review ~ Assassin by Accident by E.J. Russell

If a megalomaniacal earth mage kidnaps your little sister, do you:

A) Kill him

B) Kill him

C) Kill him

D) Magically indenture yourself to him to ensure her safe return

Welsh water horse Nevan Quirke would have happily opted for A, B, or C, but had no idea where his sister was hidden—so, option D it is. He’s not a fool, though. He made sure to limit his obligation to a single task.

Unfortunately, he neglected to nail down a few tiny details before the geas brand was seared into his skin, and now:

A) He can’t shift

B) He can’t swim

C) He can’t drink

D) If he fails, he’ll be bound to the mage for eternity

Oh, and that task? Assist in an assassination.

If only he weren’t so thirsty.

And if only his partner for the heinous job weren’t the most appealing man Nevan has seen in his entire two-thousand-year life.

Assassin by Accident takes place in E.J. Russell’s Mythmatched universe and is part of the multi-author Carnival of Mysteries series. Each book stands alone, but each one includes at least one visit to Errante Ame’s Carnival of Mysteries, a magical, multiverse traveling show full of unusual acts, games, and rides. The Carnival changes to suit the world it’s on, so each visit is unique and special. This book features grumpy/sunshiny, hurt/comfort, mistaken identity, opposites attract, unexpected derring-do, and of course an HEA—no matter how little the men in question think they deserve it.


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Series Blitz ~ Summers in Seaside Series

Title: Summers in Seaside Series
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Welcome to Summers in Seaside, a small town located along the Oregon Coast and home of the Seaside Festival. This series returns with brand new stories filled with sun, sand and summer adventures that will tug at your heart strings.
Join the Summers in Seaside Stalker group to stay up to date with all the new and exciting things happening in this series this summer.
All free in Kindle Unlimited

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Cover Reveal ~ Scandal by T. Ashleigh

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Scandal by T. Ashleigh is coming August 22nd and we have the HOT cover to share with you today!

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About Scandal

Welcome to Black Diamond Resort and Spa…

I come from a long line of con artists and crooks. In a family where money and power outweigh integrity, there’s only been one person I could always count on.

My best friend, my other half, my twin; until he betrayed me.

Thanks to his lies, both my family and the media are breathing down my neck, giving me no choice but to ‘seek help’ at some fancy rehab resort.

Whatever. I’ll do my time, go through the motions with this stupid five-step program, then wash my hands of this place and my past.

But why not have a little fun while I’m here?

Specifically, with the mysterious man I feel a strong, undeniable pull toward.

At first, it’s just sex—a way to decompress after everything I’ve been through. Only we grow closer, and I catch feelings, despite thinking I’d never trust anyone again.

Big mistake.

It turns out, the person I fell for is not who I thought he was. And I don’t know what’s worse—my shattered heart or the scandal that caused it.

Proerder Scandal by T. Ashleigh today!

Scandal Insta-Threads

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Audio Announcement ~ Meet in the Blue by A.M. Johnson

Title: Meet Me in the Blue

Author: A.M. Johnson

Narrator(s): Evan Parker & Aaron Shedlock

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Meet me… in the place where the sun kisses the horizon and sinks into blue shades of you and me.

Meet me there… where everything was always perfect. You and me and the damp grass at dawn and the gray dirt in the late evening rain.

Meet me where we were ourselves and not these two people who can’t even say I love you.

Meet me there and maybe we’ll remember…

We’ll remember the us we were before them, before miles, before lost hours, and you’ll ask what color the sky is, and I’ll say blue like your eyes.

And you’ll smile, and I’ll forget I ever missed you.


Luka and Rook have been best friends since they were nine years old.

Five years ago, Luka threw it all away.

When his dad’s health takes a turn for the worst, Luka must come home to say his goodbyes and mend the bridges he burned all those years ago. But coming home is harder than he imagined, and after reuniting with his family, there’s only one person he needs.


His best friend.

The one man he pushed away, the one man, no matter how hard he tried to forget, he can’t stop himself from loving.

Even if loving him means breaking his heart all over again.


Meet Me in the Blue is a stand alone, best friends to lovers, second chance, demi-awakening, MM romance, with a whole lot of small town heart, meddling moms, gossiping townies, self-discovery, a friendship forged of forts, Dungeons and Dragons, and a love that will stand the test of time.

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Cover Reveal ~ On the 2 by Felice Stevens

On the 2 by Felice Stevens is coming August 7th and we have the HOT cover to share with you today!

About On the 2

First rule of riding the subway:

Don’t talk to strangers.

Don’t even look at anyone.

But what if they’re grouchy and gorgeous and you’re sitting right next to them?

I always did like a challenge.

I want to turn that frown upside down, but he barely looks at me.

I take a chance and poke the bear, and to my shock, he plays along and growls back.

The more we meet on the train, the more I realize he’s not the uptight grump I first thought. Then one night, there he is—in my world, in my space…his tongue in my mouth.

Mind blown.

But I’m no fool. A man like Nash Roman doesn’t date a guy who sells suits at Macy’s.

Nash is prep school and Ivy League, and I’m night school while working two jobs to pay bills. Nash is fine wine, expensive restaurants and handmade suits, and I’m beer, corner takeout, and a lucky find at Goodwill.

What am I—street-smart Ethan Moreno—doing, playing in his world? This man is older than me, way richer than me, and has already made it clear he doesn’t believe in love. I should walk away. Instead, I’m falling for him. Hard.

Nash couldn’t care less if his father doesn’t think I’m good enough or if people gossip because we’re so different. I need to trust in him and us, but I’ve been burned before.

And just like the Uptown Number 2, sometimes you have to travel a different route to get to the final destination:


Preorder your copy of On the 2 by Felice Stevens today

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Release Blitz ~ Unfortunate by Nicole Dykes


Unfortunate by Nicole Dykes is now LIVE!

Unfortunate Cover (1)

About Unfortunate

Welcome to the Black Diamond Resort and Spa . . .

I’m in exile in this luxurious refuge after a scandal, which shouldn’t be a scandal at all.

I’m Elijah Hunt, former child actor, now beloved action star.

When a picture of me in a compromising position is posted online, for the entire world to see, my agent sent me here to escape the limelight.

But here, it’s different from my crazy, loud, glitzy life. It’s quiet and peaceful. No one seems impressed with my celebrity.

And no one is less impressed than the sexy, aloof member of the cleaning crew. He couldn’t care less who I am or why I’m here.

He’s convinced I’m one of the fortunate ones—and I suppose I am. I’ve had it all—big houses, the best care, money, fame, and shallow adoration . . . but I’ve never been loved.

I’ve never known if people like me for who I am underneath it all or just for my money and fame.

And to me . . . that seems awfully unfortunate.

One click Unfortunate by Nicole Dykes now!

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Cover Reveal ~ Unfortunate by Nicole Dykes


Unfortunate by Nicole Dykes is coming June 27th and we have the HOT cover to share with you today!

Unfortunate Cover (1)

About Unfortunate

Welcome to the Black Diamond Resort and Spa . . .

I’m in exile in this luxurious refuge after a scandal, which shouldn’t be a scandal at all.

I’m Elijah Hunt, former child actor, now beloved action star.

When a picture of me in a compromising position is posted online, for the entire world to see, my agent sent me here to escape the limelight.

But here, it’s different from my crazy, loud, glitzy life. It’s quiet and peaceful. No one seems impressed with my celebrity.

And no one is less impressed than the sexy, aloof member of the cleaning crew. He couldn’t care less who I am or why I’m here.

He’s convinced I’m one of the fortunate ones—and I suppose I am. I’ve had it all—big houses, the best care, money, fame, and shallow adoration . . . but I’ve never been loved.

I’ve never known if people like me for who I am underneath it all or just for my money and fame.

And to me . . . that seems awfully unfortunate.

Preorder Unfortunate by Nicole Dykes today!

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Release Blitz ~ Crushed But Not Defeated by Nicole Dykes

Crushed But Not Defeated by Nicole Dykes is LIVE!

About Crushed But Not Defeated



That’s the only way Andrew will ever see me.

An abused boy who grew up and became a defense attorney for the rich and famous.

I’ll never forget the look on his face when I told him.

The hurt and disgust I saw in his eyes as I stomped all over his dreams.

He left me behind, convincing me he’d hate me forever.

Now, circumstances have brought me back into his life. I have one more chance to prove I’m not the man he thinks I am.

I’ll do anything to prove I’m worthy of him.



I have been since I was a child, watching my abusive father escape justice, time and time again, and a mother who refused to see his wrongs.

So I grew up to become a therapist, determined to never feel that helpless again.

I swore to make the world a better place, and I had a plan. One I thought I’d execute with my best friend in the world.

Only he had other dreams. He smashed all my hopes in one night, and I’ll never trust him again.

Now I need his help, but I refuse to let him in completely.

He crushed me once, but now, I’m strong and stubborn. I’ll never be defeated.

One click Crushed But Not Defeated by Nicole Dykes now!