Release Blitz ~ Creek by Nora Phoenix and E.M. Lindsey

Creek, the first in the Honorably Discharged series by Nora Phoenix & E.M. Lindsey is now live! Grab your copy of this found family MM romance today!

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Cover Design: Ozark Witch Cover Design

Photographer: Golden Czermak/FuriousFotog

Model: Andrew James


Accepting my career in the Army is over after losing my leg is hard.

But the obnoxious, good looking, glass-half-full surfer in my physical therapy sessions is worse.

And god help him if he doesn’t stop trying to give me advice.

Living in a home with three of my closest veteran buddies is a challenge as we all have our crosses to bear and wounds to heal from, but mine only seem to be getting deeper with every step forward I take. I already have to adjust to a new life as a civilian. I don’t need a sexuality crisis to go with it.

But Heath is making me question everything I thought I knew about myself. And while that should terrify me, somehow, he’s helping me feel braver than I ever have before.

About the Authors:

Nora Phoenix:

Nora Phoenix is a USA Today bestselling author of MM/gay romance. She writes in various subgenres of gay romance and is known for writing engrossing stories that offer an escape from reality, with unique characters, plenty of heat, a captivating story, and all the feels. A dash of kink is optional. She’s a lifelong and incurable book addict, an eternal optimist, and an unapologetic feminist.

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E.M. Lindsey:

E.M. Lindsey is a non-binary, MM Romance author who lives on the East Coast of the United States.

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