New Release Review ~ An Ex-Hero’s Guide to Axe Handling by Jenn Burke

Available June 13!

A book cover with a white man, with short brown hair and a bushy beard, wearing a red plaid shirt and black-framed glasses. His arms are crossed. Title: An Ex-Hero's Guide to Axe Handling, Subtitle: Subparheroes

An Ex-Hero’s Guide to Axe Handling

No more Mr. Nice Hero

Ex-hero Ward Sullivan used to be a household name before his career went up in smoke. Now he’s stuck hunting for the cause of mysterious fires in Northern Ontario. Worse still is his new partner, an overly cheery Canadian named Devlin Campbell.

Dev’s a lumberjack and he’s okay with that. It sure beats working in an office where his not-so-super power forced everyone to be nice to him. Partnering with the famous ex-hero Firefox is a dream come true. Not only is he one of Dev’s idols, he’s immune to his niceness.

Dev’s upbeat vibe soothes Ward’s grumpy soul, but he’d never admit it. Nor would he admit that he really likes the way Dev handles an axe. But when a threat from the past comes roaring into Ward’s present, it’s no more Mr. Nice Hero. Ward may have to give up a future with the nicest guy he knows to save the world one last time.

An Ex-Hero’s Guide to Axe-Handling is a part of the multi-author Subpar Superheroes MM romance series.


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~ * ~ Maris Review ~ * ~

5 Superstastic Stars!

This book is part of the multi-author Subpar Superheroes MM romance series and each book can be read as a standalone. That said, I really hope Ms. Burke will consider writing more in this ‘verse because I adored Dev and Ward and would love to read more of them.

Dev was such a sweetheart and an all-around great guy. I loved him from the start, he had such a sunny disposition that you couldn’t help but liking him. His power was that he only needed to be near someone and ask for anything and most people would bend backward to do his bidding, not that he ever abused that power, seeing as he was such a nice guy. Ward was the grumpy to Dev’s sunshine, although understandably so, since he’d lost his powers a few years ago, and especially once we got the full story of how he lost them. Also, he was immune to Dev’s power, which was refreshing to Dev. And they had amazing chemistry, which definitely didn’t hurt.

I also loved Hallie, she was a great addition to the story. Same as April, Dev and Ward’s boss. I hated Crimson, the villain in the story, but that was a given, especially in light of what he did to Ward.

Overall, this was a fast-paced, fun, interesting book with some light angst and a lot of heart that I couldn’t put down once I started reading it. Definitely a recommendation from me.

*** Copy provided by the author for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement. ***

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