New Release Review ~ Fool’s Spring by Roe Horvat (Excerpt)

About Fool’s Spring:

  • finding home
  • sauna shenanigans
  • cinnamon roll hero
  • American teacher and Swedish lumberjack
  • contemporary gay romance, HEA






Maybe I’ve made a mistake. My cottage, albeit charming, needs nonstop work, the weather’s abysmal, and my last bank account statement simply said, “Bless your heart.” But I don’t regret moving to the Swedish countryside. The job is great, and I’m making friends. Who said Swedes were cold and distant? I only need some cheap firewood to tide me over until the real spring arrives.

Out of nowhere comes rescue—a gorgeous Viking on a tractor. He helps me with firewood and drives me to the hardware store. I shouldn’t be crushing on Björn since he looks as straight as they come. But then the shy hunk of a man turns up on my porch with a bag of cinnamon rolls, blushing…


Life is uneventful for a gay man in a village of three hundred people, but I like it quiet. I have fifteen thousand hectares of forest to manage, so it’s not like I get bored.

Except now an American from the South bought an old cottage on the edge of my property and he’s shoveling April snow in his sneakers. The good people of Gryta are already betting on when he’ll run back to Stockholm.

Eric is in dire need of help, so here I am, dangling on a ladder, pressure-washing the gutters on his cottage. He’s absolutely charming, gorgeous, and all my wet dreams come true. I wish I could at least slow down my falling in love with him—because what if he leaves?



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Excerpt (NSFW)

The sauna, or bastu as Björn insisted on calling it, left me so mellow I could have fallen asleep.

The waves lapped at the dinghy, the electric motor buzzed quietly, and the gray sky was slowly turning darker. I hadn’t even bothered to check the time.

“See, this is what I love about Sweden,” I said. “You can be out in the forest or on a lake for an entire day without meeting a single soul.”

Björn looked around, smiling. “Twenty-eight million hectares of forests, ninety-seven thousand lakes, only ten million people, most of them in three cities. Low population density has its perks.”

“Do you like being alone a lot?”

He glanced at me worriedly as if I’d asked a trick question. “I think I do. Not all the time, but…often. When I was at university in Uppsala, I would go hiking on weekends to escape the busy town.”

“Uppsala is not even that big.”

“There’s people everywhere.” His lip curled in genuine disgust.

I laughed. “I hear you. I used to think I was an extrovert, but I loathe crowds, and socializing in groups exhausts me even when I’m having fun. I need to recharge in solitude.”

“A classroom full of kids must be a nightmare for hours on end.”

“Nah. The kids are great. It’s a little like with the sauna. The beauty is in the contrast. I love coming to school on Monday morning after a quiet weekend, and I love coming to my cottage after a noisy day at school.”

He scrutinized me, his expression thoughtful. “Makes sense. So you don’t mind living out here in the middle of nowhere?”

Was that a trick question?

“Buying that old cottage and moving here has been the grandest adventure of my life,” I told him.

When we reached the opposite shore of the lake, we tied the boat to an iron ring set in a granite rock and walked back to Björn’s car, parked on the roadside. We drove to my cottage in silence.

As soon as the door closed behind us, I launched myself at him. We barely made it to the living room before he was on his knees with my cock in his mouth.

“Don’t come. I want to suck you too.”

He let go of my cockhead and looked up, all wild and disheveled.


“Fuck yes. Upstairs, bed, naked.”

We stumbled up the ancient, creaking stairs, dropping our shirts as we went. Bouncing on my bed, we pulled our socks off and Björn crawled around to get to my cock. Then his warm mouth slid down my length, and his dick bobbed in my face. I closed my eyes and sucked.


I’d been ogling his bare body for most of the day. Covered in sweat and droplets of water, naked in the great outdoors, he’d looked like a Nordic god. The humid hell in the sauna and the chilly lake water had been enough of a barrier not to go crazy with lust. But now I had him on my bed, more than six feet of solid male body, and I got greedy. I grabbed his ass cheeks with both hands, digging my fingers into them, then I found his hole with my fingertips and rubbed the closed rim. Björn groaned around my cock, his hips jerking. With my mouth full of his precum, I slicked up my finger and prodded at his hole.


~ * ~ Kathys Review ~ * ~

4.5 Stars
This is a sweet contemporary novel of two men finding their dreams. Eric has taken a job in the Swedish countryside as a teacher. The small village hosts only 300 people, but this is a huge change for Eric. Originally from the States, he moved to Stockholm years ago and now has settled in Gryta. He purchased a small cottage close to the school nestled among the Swedish forests. Poor Eric has several emergencies dealing with his new environment. Fortunately for him, decent people do exist.
Bjorn is a burly lumberjack of a man who owns much of the land in Gryta. He has a master’s in forest ecology and sustainable management but does rock the Viking look. He is a gentle, kind man who helps Eric out of multiple jams.
The two simply gel and a mutual attraction ignites. Eric is fiercely proud, having been on his own for over a decade when his family turned him away. As much as he is interested in Bjorn, help is hard for Eric to accept.
The story builds up many of the secondary characters quite nicely. We get to know the small queer population well, along with some of the locals. Bjorn’s stepmom Madde is an extremely interesting and supportive lady that you can’t help but admire.
Eric is struggling to find a place in this quaint village that houses a dramatic and, at times, unforgiving environment. Bjorn is falling fast but realizes how proud Eric can be. The town is betting Eric will crack and scamper back to Stockholm.
The sweet romance showed me a part of the world I can only imagine. Beautifully written and absolutely delightful to read, I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did. Happy reading.

**Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.**  


~ * ~ Jessicas Review ~ * ~

4 Stars

Fool’s Spring is a non-omegaverse title written by Roe Horvat.

Eric moves to a cottage in the countryside of Sweden. He is an English teacher and is excited to start a new journey in life. He quickly meets Bjorn, who was born and raised there. His first impression of Bjorn is that he was a lumberjack Viking sent to his rescue. It is partially true. Bjorn has a degree in forestry and owns a surprisingly huge part of the local forest. Bjorn works with loggers, slowly cutting down certain trees to regrow native trees. When he sees Eric for the first time, he is lovestruck. What starts as a clumsy friendship turns into more very quickly.

Both Eric and Bjorn have very tragic pasts. Despite that, they both prove how strong they are in different ways. Eric is very independent and hates asking for help, while Bjorn leans strongly on his stepmother and has basically taken over caring for their property. They are perfect for each other, and while completely different, they make a really nice visual. The fact neither is into strict bedroom roles makes them all the sweeter together.

This was my first non-omegaverse read by Roe, and I was so surprised. I was expecting a super steamy book; however, the story was so freaking sweet. Of course, there was spice, but the story would have been amazing even without it. I started reading this book before bed and was so sad that I had to sleep because it meant putting the book down. I started reading as soon as I woke up, and now I am sad it is over.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement. ***


~ * ~ Jos Review ~ * ~

4 Stars
This is a rare step into contemporary romance for an author who often writes Omegaverse stories. I enjoyed it very much; it’s light, sweet, and easy to read.
The story is set in a small community in Sweden and has an authenticity about it that comes from the author’s own background. Eric has moved to teach in the local school; he is American but has Swedish links and is looking for a fresh start after following a boyfriend who then moved on. He is the fish out of water but is determined to make a home; the quiet peaceful place definitely calls to him. Bjorn is the local “lumberjack “ and there is an attraction there from the start. The book has low angst; it follows their slow, gentle courtship as they navigate their feelings under the glass bowl of the small community. Both characters are instantly likable and I smiled my way through their story; their first furtive glances, the bumbling first steps, and then the sweet, sexy dates. There is a great supporting cast, especially the Queer Club and Lars.
A definite recommendation from me for this sweet, heartfelt romance.
*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.*

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