Blog Tour ~ Bad Pucking Roommate by Michele Lenard (Reviews)



Release date: January 30th

Genre/Tropes: Hockey romance / MM Romance / Hurt/Comfort / Bi-Awakening / Opposites Attract / Age-Gap 


Exciting Release Alert! 

Dive into the world of hockey, secrets, and unexpected connections in BAD PUCKING ROOMMATE by Michele Lenard! 


Uncover the intimate rituals of teammates Luca and his unconventional roommate, where chemistry extends beyond the ice. When their secrets threaten disaster, an unexpected bond forms, leading to a journey of love, triumph, and unexpected consequences. 

Grab your copy now! 

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Secrets threaten disaster in this bi-awakening, MM romance about two teammates who have chemistry that extends beyond the ice, an unconventional roommate agreement, and a not-safe-for-work pair of dice.

Athletes are notoriously superstitious. Some don’t wash their gear. Others sleep with it. I’ve even heard of a guy that peed on the field to ward off evil spirits. But as far as I’m aware, my teammate Luca is the only guy whose ritual requires a more intimate activity.

I wouldn’t know that if I hadn’t stumbled into it by accident, and even then, I wouldn’t have thought my presence had any effect. But the next day he got on the ice and had one of the most spectacular games I’ve seen him play.

One of his best ever.

And it gives me an idea.

At first Luca objects. He’s embarrassed by the things he has to do to play well and doesn’t want to involve me in his sordid activities. But when he realizes there’s no other option he relents, and we become roommates to make things…convenient.

It was supposed to be a means to an end. A way to prolong his career. Things don’t go according to plan.

Now I’m harboring two secrets, both of which could hurt Luca and the team, and there’s no telling how deep the consequences will run if they come out. But one thing is certain—as the veteran player, he’s the one they’ll accuse of being a bad pucking roommate.

~ * ~ Jos Review ~ * ~

5 Stars
This is book three in a really great series that I’ve loved. At the end of book 2, I was a little concerned about how this was going to go; Luca’s unusual pregame superstition is definitely different. What we get is actually a really sweet, funny, sexy story full of heart which I loved.
The blurb didn’t capture the essence of the story for me. It makes it feel like it’s a Justus-centric story when actually this is very much a two-person point of view. Luca really struggles with involving Justus but it’s clear from the start there’s been a connection between the two already on the ice and it’s not just Justus idolising the older player. The connection between them; the eye contact especially is what makes the early encounters seriously hot. As things progress both are aware that the dynamics of the relationship are changing but neither can voice it; especially when the no fraternising policy’s introduced. It’s clear as they share more and more intimacy outside the pre-game ritual just how connected they are.
This is possibly my favourite of the series: it’s a bi-awakening of the best kind. They fill a void in each other that they didn’t know was there. Luca may have thought he needed to be watched; what he actually wanted was to be seen, to be needed. The slips of “baby” when he’s talking to Justus are adorable.
Great to see the characters from the earlier books and a great extended epilogue. It feels like the end of the series and I’m sad to see it go. 
A definite recommendation from me.
*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.*

~ * ~ Kathys Review ~ * ~

4.5 Stars
This is a cute and quirky romance of a hockey couple that was definitely meant to be. I enjoy Ms. Leonard’s hockey stories, and the writing is solid.
Luca, like any decent hockey player, has superstitions that he feels actually affect his playing. If he misses his unconventional and eyebrow-raising routine, it messes with his head. Luca at first put me off, however, he absolutely grew on me, and I found him to be sweet and insightful. Justus is one of the young members of the Bulldogs. He idolizes veteran Luca, and the two find a magnetic force as they play together so well. Justus has a dear innocence about him, and Luca is drawn to this man. Justus agrees to help Luca with his somewhat questionable ways to prepare for the games. Soon the men find themselves wanting to spend more time with each other.
The dynamics between the two MCs felt genuine. There was very little angst, but being in a sport where management wants players to keep in line makes this budding friendship more challenging.
I love how much Luca evolved in this story. Justus remained a decent guy with certain life goals he was working towards.
This book was an enjoyable read and I highly recommend it. Happy reading.

**Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.**


Hi! I’m Michele. I was ten when I read my first romance, a Jude Deveraux book I swiped from my mom’s bookshelf. I’ve read anything and everything since then; historical fiction, mystery, fantasy and even non-fiction. I devour it all. But I keep coming back to romance. Though sports romance is my guilty pleasure (I love all things active and outdoors), I don’t discriminate by genre or trope.

I love a steamy story (no closed-door scenes for me) but I also love romance. I want to see the emotion behind the steam, to understand what drives characters to fall in love. And I want to fall in love with the people on the page as they’re falling in love with each other. Above all else, I want the fantasy to feel like it could be reality. That’s why I started writing.

I am an Amazon Best Selling Author in the Fiction Anthology category. My first book series, Mile High Romance, is currently available on Kindle Unlimited. Shameless plug – several of those books have been recognized in the MARA Fiction From the Homeland contest. My second series based in a small Colorado town will debut sometime in the fall of 2022. I live in Colorado with my husband, two sons, and an adorable fur baby.





