Book Review ~ Bad Pucking Influence by Michele Lenard (Excerpt + Giveaway)

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Book Review, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Bad Pucking Influence
By Michele Lenard

Bad Pucking Influence Cover

Colorado Bulldogs, Book 2

Thor meets Tony Hawk in this comedic, low-angst/high spice MM romance about a serious hockey goalie who is drawn out of his shell by a bratty skateboarder, a dare involving cake, and a lesson in how to use joysticks-for video games of course.

On the surface, I’ve got it all. I’m the starting goalie and Captain of the Colorado Bulldogs hockey team. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with. I can count an entire team of elite athletes as my friends. And according to the pundits, I’m an eligible bachelor.

That’s the image everyone sees, but it’s just a role I play. A part dictated by my career. I have to be just as perfect off the ice as I am on it since everything I do reflects on my team in some way or another. So, those questions I have about why I don’t crave sexual contact the way my teammates do–questions I’m afraid to ask with the world watching… I decided a long time ago it didn’t make sense to look for answers until after I retire.

Then I ran into him.

Tripp is loud, obnoxious, and full of confidence. Some people find his sass off-putting, but not me. I find it intriguing, and I admire his ability to be himself, consequences be damned. Apparently, I also admire the way he looks, since my eyes seem to linger on him longer than they should, and when he sets his sights on me…

Waiting for retirement to explore who I am seems like too big a sacrifice, so when Tripp offers to help me answer some of those questions about myself, I jump.

I’m tired of pretending to be Mr. Perfect… Tripp and his playboy antics might be just the thing I need to figure out who I am outside of hockey. The only problem is, everyone–including our mutual friends–see him as a bad pucking influence.

Bad Pucking Influence is a low-angst, high-spice MM romance featuring a hockey player and a brat, not a hockey book featuring a romance. Fans of bratty playboys and gentle giants will enjoy this light-hearted, steamy yet touching love story.

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Since I first saw Tripp at a team barbeque Xander dragged him to last summer, I’ve found myself noticing him more and more. In my defense, it’s hard not to. Standing at six feet, with perfectly mussed bleached-blond hair and dark stubble that’s hard to miss since the contrast is so stark, it’s the mischievous tilt of his lips that really captures my attention. I often find myself wondering what’s going on in his mind, particularly since he’s a professional at giving people the shock-and-awe treatment. His antics amuse me more than they should, even when they involve silly excuses to measure my biceps with his hands.

Between his loud looks and even louder personality, he doesn’t exactly fade into the background, and if I’m being honest, I find his brash nature freeing. I sort of like that he’s become a bit of a regular fixture in our social circle. What’s confusing to me is that it’s not just his personality that catches my attention. His appearance fascinates me, especially now, with him skating around shirtless.

Tall and lean, every muscle is on display, showing off a smattering of tattoos that would otherwise be hidden. They’re kind of mesmerizing to watch as they ripple under his skin. So is the youthful gleam in his eye. It’s not arousing exactly, but it’s something. Something I’ve yet to put a label on, but I only seem to experience it around him. Which might mean sitting here watching him is a bad idea, at least until I sort out some of my confusion.

If only I could look away.

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~ * ~ Jos Review ~ * ~

5 Stars
This is book two in The Colorado Bulldogs series and while the characters are linked, it does work as a standalone as the plots don’t really overlap.
Sometimes a couple is just perfect for each other; they may not realise it at first but this is definitely the case with Tripp and Noah. Tripp has a complex past that we only really fully get to understand until the end of the book. It means he doesn’t see himself as relationship material. Instead, he flirts with everyone. There’s something about Noah that draws him in and as Noah doesn’t seem to stop the touching or flirting; he continues.
Noah doesn’t understand what he feels; sexual attraction is something he should feel, he assumes. Like Tripp, Noah feels something for Tripp. When Tripp allows him to explore exactly what he is feeling; they embark on a friends-with-benefits relationship. Their encounters are seriously spicey but full of fun and humour as well. As they grow closer, you really get the sense of their connection. I loved how Noah handles Tripp; it may be Tripp taking care of Noah after his accident but it’s Noah who realises where the relationship is really heading.
This is a sweet, funny, and hot read with great characters who both go through a journey of self-discovery, just in different ways. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it. I’m looking forward to more from the author.
*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.*

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Bad Pucking Influence, Michele is giving away a paperback copy of the release!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author

Michele is a tomboy who writes contemporary romance (usually sports themed) that is both sweet and steamy. Her goal is to make you fan your face as you wipe a tear from your eye. Her books are part of a series but there are no cliffhangers so each can be read as a standalone. When she isn’t reading or writing she enjoys the outdoors, something that pops up in her books from time to time.

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