Review Tour ~ Knox by Laura John

Knox, book three in the Hunter Security series, by Laura John is out now! Pick up your copy for this bodyguard & doctor MM romance today!

One click your copy here!

Cover Designer: Brittany Franks with Chaotic Creatives



I’m a tough-as-nails military veteran now working as a bodyguard for one of the world’s best security firms, and I’m excellent at my job. I’m also secretly in love with my brother’s best friend.

Some might call it a “crush,” but I hate that term. What I feel for Gunnar runs deeper, truer, than a simple teenage fling. I might as well have his name tattooed permanently on my heart.

When I’m suddenly forced from my home and in need of a place to stay, it’s Gunnar that offers up his spare room to me. Without any other options, and despite his constant closeness being torture, I gratefully accept.

Now I just have to keep my feelings locked up tight. I need to resign myself to only ever being in the friend zone, even if I want so much more.



I’d only ever thought of Knox as being Malcolm’s younger brother. We weren’t really friends as kids, he was just there.

It wasn’t until I moved back home from overseas that I really noticed him. Long gone was the boy he used to be. Instead what I saw was all MAN; confident, attractive, and completely off-limits.

When I open my home to Knox in a pinch, it doesn’t take long for his proximity and charm to start breaking down my defenses. I can’t stay away, craving him more than I have anyone before.

Two things quickly become very clear. First, what we have runs deep—for both of us. Second, Knox is in danger, and someone’s out get him.

Now, not only do we have to worry about staying in Malcolm’s good graces, but we also have to watch our backs and keep our heads low.

Can our feelings weather the storm, or will rejection and danger tear us apart?

~ * ~ Jos Review ~ * ~

4 Stars

This is part of the Hunter security series, Book 3 but it does work plot-wise as a standalone. While previous characters appear, you don’t have to have read their books to enjoy this one (they are definitely worth reading though)

This is a brother’s best friend romance, forced proximity. Gunnar has always thought of Knox as his best friend Malcolm’s little brother. When Knox’s house burns down, he offers his spare room. He soon starts to see him in a different light. Knox has always had feelings for Gunnar but things aren’t that easy with Malcolm causing problems.

The dynamic between the two MCs is sweet and super hot once they do act on their feelings. The strength of the story is in the friendship and closeness the two develop, as they get to know each other properly; not just who they think the other is. There’s tension in the plot too, not only with Malcolm but also with a threat to Knox which adds a great dimension to the story.

A great addition to the series, an enjoyable, exciting read with plenty of passion. A definite recommendation.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.*

~ * ~ Jens Review ~ * ~

3.5 Stars!

 I enjoyed reading this one for the most part. It’s a best friend’s brother story, a trope that I really like to read. Gunnar and Knox have known each other a long time, but Gunnar was Malcolm’s best friend and, therefore, off limits. I liked that they had a chance to get to know each other without Knox’s older brother in the way, giving time for Gunnar to get to know Knox as an adult. While the circumstances that brought them together were awful, the results of their spending time together was wonderful. 
While I think lots of readers will enjoy this book, I found that certain aspects of the writing didn’t work for me personally. I found myself wondering how an elite bodyguard and the company he works for could end up in the situations they were in. It may just be that certain events were kept to a minimum in description, which made me ask more questions than I found answers for. In addition, there were times that things got a little too educational about issues characters were going through. While I was happy Malcolm agreed to get help, the discussion leading to it felt awkward and not like two lifelong friends hashing out an issue. Aside from the mystery/suspense issues I had, the developing relationship between Knox and Gunnar was really good. So, if you like a little bit of suspense with the old brother’s best friend trope, give this a try.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.*

About the Author:

Laura is a steamy romance author from Alberta, Canada, who melds love and angst together while normalizing mental illness. In her books, you will fall in love with her rock stars, bodyguards, baseball players, a small town and even a hired hit man!

When she’s not writing, Laura enjoys reading, going to concerts, hiking, and experimenting with makeup! Music means everything to her, so make sure to check out her playlists to get a sneak peek into what inspires her!

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