Review Tour ~ Fall For You by Felice Stevens

Fall For You, a steamy, workplace MM romance from Felice Stevens is now live!

Carson Ballard isn’t only lactose intolerant—he’s intolerable. No wonder his assistant quit on him without notice.
Okay, okay, he has a right to be angry at me for dumping an armful of sticky breakfast plates on his head. It was an accident, I swear.
But now I’m out of a job—not that I’m any good at waiting tables—and Carson’s mother is offering to hire me.There’s no way I can work for him. I may be from the sticks, but Davis Turner is nobody’s fool. Not anymore.
I refuse to be Carson’s next victim. Something will turn up. I’ll take anything. As long as I can hide away in the city, where my ex can’t find me.
Except my bank account is at rock bottom and rent is due. I’m running out of food. And time.I guess I have to work for Carson. He’ll be my boss—nothing more. I can keep things professional.There’s just one little problem.
Carson may not be as horrible as I thought. He’s trying so hard to right the wrongs of his father and brother, who left him with a mess most people would walk away from.
But Carson Ballard isn’t most people. And he won’t accept defeat.Damn you, Carson.
Why do you have to be so nice…so generous…so wickedly funny and so, so sexy?
You’re offering me a future…if I can ignore the mistakes of my past.
You’re an impossible man who’s making everything possible.
How can I not fall for you?


~ * ~ Kathys Review ~ * ~

4.25 Stars
A sweet and touching romance that has two men meeting in an unconventional way. Carson has the weight of the world thrust on his shoulders as he tries to right the wrongs of his deceased, homophobic father and brother. The duo managed to corrupt the family business, and now Carson is back home trying to salvage the wreckage and keep the company afloat.
A cute mishap at the very beginning of the book places a klutzy waiter in Carson’s orbit. After a very bad first impression, Davis has managed to take a job as Carson’s assistant. Carson was desperate for the help and before long both men have reversed their initial impressions of each other.
I enjoyed the slow build from friends to more. As the two get to know each other, each man has a past they are not too proud of. Sharing their more difficult moments does not come easily, but over time they both learn to open up.
The story has many endearing people in it. I love Carson’s mother and her unwavering faith in her son. Carson took a while to warm up to but I found myself liking him more with each passing chapter. Davis has almost an innocence about him which hardens with how badly his ex hurt him. His family and friends were a little over the top with how protective they were with Davis. Despite his past, he is in his thirties and should make his own decisions on whom he dates.
All in all this story had all the right elements for a touching romance and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Happy reading!

**Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.**

~ * ~ Jens Review ~ * ~

4.25 Stars!

I really enjoyed reading this story. I thought initially I wasn’t going to like Carson, but it didn’t take long to see there was so much more to him. I liked seeing the layers get pulled back and see the caring, generous person he was underneath. While their first meeting was a disaster, I’m glad Carson’s mother gave Davis her card and Davis took her up on her offer. Carson and Davis worked well together in both their business and personal lives.

I liked watching Carson open up and let Davis in little by little. I liked how Davis didn’t let Carson’s stressful attitude get to him and helped him in so many ways. I’m glad that Carson’s mother had Carson’s back because his father and brother were awful to him. I was happy that Carson found a way to keep things going at the firm after everything and that Davis had a big part in that. I was especially happy that Davis started to trust Carson and told him about his past. I liked that they forged a bond that was strong enough to weather everything going on around them.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.*
Author Bio:
Felice Stevens writes romance because what is better than people falling in love? Her favorite part of a romance novel is that first kiss…sigh. She loves creating stories of hopes and dreams and happily ever afters. Her stories are character-driven, rich with the sights, sounds and flavors of New York City and filled with men who are sometimes deeply flawed but always real.
Felice writes M/M romance because she believes that everyone deserves a happily ever after. Having traveled all over the world, she can safely say that the universal language that unites people is love. Felice has written in a variety of sub-genres, including contemporary, paranormal and has a mystery series as well.
Felice is the Lambda Literary Award winner for Best Gay Romance for her book, The Ghost and Charlie Muir, and the e-Lit gold medal winner in romance for Broken Silence.