Review Tour ~ Denver (Hunter Security #2) by Laura John (Giveaway)

Denver, book two in the Hunter Security series, by Laura John is out now so pick up this single dad MM romance today!



Accidentally receiving an explicit pic from my best friend was a surprise, but my reaction to it was a shocker. Last year, with one text, my eyes were opened to an attraction that’s grown into so much more.

No matter what my feelings are, he’s still my best friend and I’ll always have his back. So when he shows up at my door needing a place to live, I don’t think twice.

Having him so close and not being together is harder than I thought, but it’s better than losing him completely.

When an unexpected gift changes his life, I’m there and commit to helping him raise the child he’s always wanted, regardless of my own heart.


I never expected to become a single dad. I always thought I’d be settled when it happened; be in a relationship, have a home, promoted at my job, basically living my picket fence dreams.

While my life may not be going according to my plans, I at least have my ride-or-die best friend here by my side through it all.

At first, I thought it was the sleep deprivation, but as time goes on, I’m starting to realize that seeing him with my son is doing unexpected things to my body and my heart. If I’ve learned anything recently, it’s to take a chance on the unexpected.

Just when I feel like I have a handle on my new life, my work leave gets cut short.

A serial killer is on the loose and my team is called on to help catch him. I’m left torn between my duty as a detective, being a new father, and my rapidly growing feelings for my best friend.
Will everything end up sunshine and rainbows or will our destiny be like dark cloud with lightning ready to strike us down?

Denver is an m/m bi-awakening best friends to lovers romance. This is a suspenseful romance and while it is a contemporary romance it mentions heavy subject matter.

Grab your copy here!

Cover Designer: Brittany Franks with Chaotic Creatives

~ * ~ Jos Review ~ * ~

4 Stars

This started out a 3-star and ended as a good 4 so I’ve rated it as 4. I love friends-to-lovers and the relationship between the two guys is full of heart. What I struggled with was how their awakening first happens, especially for Denver. Once the story develops and they start to explore these feelings, then it felt very real. They take it slowly, you feel the romance, tenderness between them. There’s a lot to lose, years of friendship, and for Ford, the home Denver has offered him and his son Sammy. That they have such a solid foundation helps the new development feel deeper.

They’re a good plot around Ford’s work; returning to be a detective and a difficult serial killer case. It builds the plot and works well alongside their romance. It’s connected through Denver, who’s a bodyguard to book one of the series but the plots don’t overlap so it works well as a standalone.

An enjoyable story that, about a third of way through, I realised I was full engaged with after a slow start. loved the ending and how they work through difficult times to get their HEA. Definitely worth the read and I am looking forward to the next in the series.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.*

Author Bio:

Laura John is a contemporary romance author with a love for music. She lives in Alberta, Canada with her husband, two kids, and one loveable fur-baby. She loves karaoke, makeup, and of course a good glass of wine. She mixes her love of words with her love of music and hopes to transport you into a world you don’t want to leave.


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