Release Tour ~ Oblivious by Leslie McAdam (Reviews + Giveaway)

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Release Tour & Giveaway:
By Leslie McAdam

Oblivious Cover

IOU, Book 3

My hot best friend has no idea what he’s doing to me.

He sends me naughty texts at the most inappropriate times. He lets me fall asleep on top of him when we watch movies. And his protective side comes out if I dance too close to anyone at our favorite club.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but those are things a boyfriend does. Except August isn’t my boyfriend, he’s my bestfriend, and those lines are drawn in permanent marker. The one time we tried to cross the boundary between friends and lovers, it failed so spectacularly that we never did it again. So … “friends” is good enough. That’s what I tell myself. Because at least I have him in my life. Without him, I’d be lost.

But after we’re dared to kiss, and that kiss reshapes reality, we agree to be friends who do things with each other. Nakey things.

That makes my life so much better. And so much worse. After all, August doesn’t want to settle down, and he never wants to get married. While I do.

Most importantly, no matter how our relationship changes, he can’t find out I’m desperately in love with him.

Oblivious is a sweet and steamy contemporary m/m romance about best friends who don’t know they’re already dating. Noah and August are always touching, finish each other’s sentences, and bristle whenever the other gets within six feet of a date, but they can’t see what’s crystal clear to everyone else. Oblivious features badly timed schmexy texts, a hot kiss that rocks two men’s universes, and (unofficially, but likely) the highest number of heartfelt marriage proposals in a romance novel ever.

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~ * ~ Kathys Review ~ * ~

5 Stars
This is such a sweet story. I’m not talking about confection overload but a romance that is tender and perfect. At first, I thought this may be not believable. How can you be in love with someone your entire life and settle for friendship? I assure you, I felt such genuine affection towards the MCs and their story felt so authentic.
The two men were beyond endearing and I must confess that August who was the most oblivious stole my heart. He is full of bluster and presents a different persona to the world and even has his BFF fooled. August was a treasure that unfortunately is clueless to the true feelings his best bud, Noah has for him. The two friends formed a law firm that is LGBTQA+ friendly, and between work and play, spend the majority of their time together.
Noah has some familiar issues that stemmed from a callous mother. Luckily, his grandparents stepped up and gave him a wonderful life. His mom’s rejection still stings and he has always turned to August for his support and strength. Noah has also been head over heels in love with August but is convinced he could never return these feelings.
The whole world seems to see them as a couple and yes, there were times I wanted to smack them both over the head and shout – hey wake up, and see what is literally in front of you.
This book was so much fun. I loved the interaction August had with his loving Uncle and off-the-wall aunties. Between the MCs coworkers, family, and training for races, maybe these two might open their eyes and see what every person that knows them sees! Yes, they truly are oblivious and I so highly recommend this book. Happy reading.

** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement. **


~ * ~ Jos Review ~ * ~

5 Stars

This is a friends-to-lovers story where one MC, August, is totally “oblivious” to the fact his best friend, Noah, is in love with him. A dare to kiss opens up a whole new world of possibilities. More so, he starts to question how he actually feels.

I really loved these guys. Funny, sexy, and often irreverent; there is, however, real heart at the core of this story. We see how Noah feels early on, so that he struggles to accept the change in August’s feelings actually rings true. The fear of losing each other complicated things; what labels to put on their new status. I loved the whole story arc we get (no spoilers here). August handles things in a very August way. The banter between them is brilliant – I loved that is Noah who gives the content warning for the story. The fun and friendship are there even when things become seriously hot between them. That connection is never lost between them; you believe that they have been friends since childhood. The author handles August’s awakening really well; the decisions that have led to his ignorance.

A low angst, lots of fun to read story that is surprisingly full of heart. A definite recommendation from me; a perfect summer read.

*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.*


~ * ~ Maris Review ~ * ~

4.75 Stars!

I absolutely loved August and Noah and seeing August slowly realize that he was in love with Noah all along and hadn’t realized, was amazing! They were really hot together and while I was a bit miffed that Noah took his time to see that August was there for the long haul, I could also see where he was coming from. I also loved that everyone had realized they were in love and even had bets about it. LOL

August’s family and Noah’s grandpa were awesome. And I hated how awful Noah’s mother was to him and how she’d contributed to his fear of abandonment.

Overall, this was such a great read! Low angst, fun, sweet, steamy, and engaging, I was completely invested in August and Noah finally getting their HEA. Very recommendable!

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement. ***


~ * ~ Kys Review ~ * ~

* 3.5 Stars *
Oblivious is a best friends-to-lovers romance with an abundance of sweet moments and a seemingly endless marriage proposal.
August and Noah have been best friends for years and their relationship can almost be called codependent. They live in the same building, they work together, they own their law firm together and they spend most of their free time together, yet they aren’t a couple. I mean, in name, because their behavior says otherwise.
After a dare to kiss they decide to keep crossing the line between friendship and romance. They have a few hangups and Noah is reluctant to trust that August’s feelings are as deep as his since he’s the one who was in love with his best friend for years before anything happened.
The reason I’m not rating higher is totally subjective and based on my reading preferences. Cutesy, sugary stories aren’t my thing so I tend to avoid them when I see them. I read this one because I didn’t know what I was in for and the blurb grabbed my attention but I can honestly say that it wasn’t my kind of story.
I think it would make a nice read for anyone in the mood for a light, fun story verging on the edge of too sweet.

~ Copy provided by Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement. ~

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About the Author:

USA Today bestselling author Leslie McAdam is a California girl who loves romance and well-defined abs. She lives in a drafty old farmhouse on a small orange tree farm in Southern California with her husband and two children. Leslie’s first published book, The Sun and the Moon, won a 2015 Watty, which is the world’s largest online writing competition. She’s gone on to receive additional literary awards and has been featured in multiple publications, including Her books have been Top 100 Bestsellers on both Amazon and Apple Books. Leslie is employed by day but spends her nights writing about the men of your fantasies.

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