Review Tour ~ Level Up by Sadie Rose (Review)


Sadie Rose

Release Date: June 22




They say nothing in life is promised, I know that now. When everything I’ve ever known imploded I made the impulsive decision to leave it all behind by moving to this small town where nobody knows my name.

They also say to expect the unexpected, and I just might like that more.



They say you can’t have it all and I’m starting to think they’re right. I have a thriving business and great friends- so why is it I’ve yet to find The One?

Something else they say? Good things come to those who wait- and I’ve been one hell of a patient man.


This is a standalone novella.

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~ * ~ Maris Review ~ * ~

3.75 Stars

Jackson and Alex had a very sweet meet-cute in the hardware store and even if Jackson has never been interested in men before meeting Alex, he finds himself attracted to the gorgeous baker.

I liked Jackson and Alex and I was really invested in seeing where their encounter may lead. They had great chemistry and I found it refreshing that Jackson didn’t question his sudden attraction. Unfortunately, the book ended rather abruptly. I hope the author will write more of their Jackson and Alex’s story in the future. As it is, I found that this was a sweet short story, with a HFN ending (if that), that I have no problem recommending.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement. ***


Meet Sadie Rose:

Sadie Rose is an American author who pens fantasy novellas and romance novels. When she isn’t writing she enjoys spending her free time reading, watching television and traveling. She lives on the west coast with her husband and son.

To find out about Sadie’s upcoming releases and giveaways, sign up for her newsletter here!


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