New Release Review ~ Couture Crush by Charlie Novak (Excerpt + Giveaway)

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New Release Review, Excerpt & Giveaway: Couture Crush by Charlie Novak

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Couture Crush by Charlie Novak

COUTURE CRUSH ebook-1600x2400

A Model Love Novel; released September 23rd

Beau Barrett is about to become Alt. Bride’s first male cover model, but what about his own fairy-tale ending?

When Beau Barrett arrives to shoot for alternative bridal magazine, Alt. Bride, the last person he expects to see is Cash, his long-lost childhood best friend. The spark between them is instant, but with Beau’s calendar splitting at the seams, he’s not convinced a relationship is possible.

Cash never thought he’d see Beau again, but now the make-up artist is determined to hold on to him. Cash’s life might be overflowing with events, but his crush on Beau can’t be ignored, especially when things between them feel so right.

All they have to do is navigate their jam-packed schedules, their spread-out living arrangements, and the modelling offer of a lifetime. It won’t be easy, but if they can do it, Beau and Cash might just get the chance to find the love they’ve always dreamed about.

Couture Crush is part of the Model Love multi-author series and is a 47,500-word, low-angst contemporary MM novel featuring childhood best friends, couture wedding gowns, arcade date nights, and plenty of fluff and steam. Each book can be read as a standalone, but there are so many models falling in love, why not read them all.

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IG Teaser - Wanted Beau Barrett

Teaser from Couture Crush

Watching Beau model the fuck out of that wedding dress, looking like an absolute queen, made me realise just how much I didn’t want to lose him again. If I let this beautiful boy slip through my fingers, I’d never forgive myself.

The childhood move had been an unavoidable situation, but there were no excuses this time.

Beau was stunning inside and out, and I needed to see him again.

The afternoon sunlight bathed him in a golden glow as he stood in the rose garden, surrounded by hundreds of beautiful blooms. There was something soft and ethereal in his expression, a longing for something I couldn’t place. It made me want to reach out and cup his face in my hand, drawing him close to me.

I’d never wanted anything as much as I wanted Beau Barrett in that moment.

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~ * ~ Amys Review ~ * ~

4 Stars

This is the second book in the series I’ve read. I’m a little confused about the order, but from the two that I’ve read, they do not have a connection beyond all involving a model working for the same modeling agency. Once I figured that out, I quit trying to figure out the order.

This is another sweet romance involving a model and a makeup artist. Their world shrunk significantly once locking eyes, as neither man ever expected they’d ever see the other again. You see, Beau and Cash were childhood friends who were separated when one of them moved away.

This was a sweet, no-angst romance. It’s just short enough to be enjoyable, but long enough to have a well-written story with a HEA that felt fitting. I would definitely recommend it.

***A copy was provided by Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review was not a requirement.***

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Enter the Series Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of the Model Love Shared World Collection, we are giving away an e-set of the Model Love Series (7 eBooks!)!

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With so many models falling in love,
why not collect them all?

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About the Author:

Charlie lives in England with her husband and a dachshund named Biscuit. She spends most of her days wrangling other people’s words in her day job and then trying to force her own onto the page in the evening.

She loves cute stories with a healthy dollop of fluff, plenty of delicious sex, and happily ever afters — because the world needs more of them. Charlie also believes that loves comes in all shapes and sizes.

Charlie has very little spare time, but what she does have she fills with cooking, pole-dancing, reading and ice-hockey. She also thinks that everyone should have at least one favourite dinosaur…

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