New Release Review ~ Skydive by Roe Horvat


On New Year’s Eve, Lawrie meets a deadly attractive, loaded alpha who’s brilliant in bed and nice to boot. Pity Ernest travels so much and doesn’t do relationships. Lawrie can at least enjoy one wild weekend. Except now it’s the morning after, and things get weird. Very weird. Lawrie’s body has changed overnight, warranting the freakout of a lifetime.

Ernest has been looking for his true mate since the eager age of twenty-one. After fifteen years, he’s reconciled himself to restless traveling and hook-ups. The most recent one is a real treat—a certain Lawrence Winchester, a young omega with a sharp wit and an unusually intense scent. The thought of a mate doesn’t even enter Ernest’s head as he drifts through the night in a lusty haze. The morning brings life-altering revelations. Lawrie is the one—the signs are unmistakable. Now how to break it to him gently that he’s stuck with Ernest for the rest of his life and that Ernest is, um, a slightly different species…



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Excerpt (NSFW)

He was freakishly big. Everywhere. I’d never been interested in size; a good lover could work miracles with what he had, right? For all my bold talk back in the restrooms, when I’d felt him inside me for the first time, my eyes had almost fallen out of their sockets. But already in the car, I’d just sat on his cock and my body molded around him with a happy sigh. How he could possibly fit inside me, I’d never understand, but he did. And it didn’t hurt at all. When he moved in me, my guts sang.

Now, holding me up as if I weighed nothing, he gave me these long, firm thrusts and topped each with a pull on my hips so that his big cockhead burrowed deeper into my flesh. He owned me with those fucks, feeding my climax. My cock bounced off his abs, then he sped up, and… Oh fuck! I screamed as another tsunami of pure delight rippled through my stomach and flared into my whole body. Up until today, I’d thought multiple orgasms outside of heat were a myth. I’d never been so happy to be proven wrong.

He shuddered and pressed into me, his monster of a dick pulsing in me, and I moaned with relief. Getting flooded with this man’s cum was like a spa treatment. He stroked my thighs gently, slowly putting me on my feet, supporting my weight. It struck me as funny that he was so careful after the brutal pummeling he’d just given me. But it felt nice too, reassuring, like he knew what I needed. My confused hole twitched when he pulled out, and a mix of bodily fluids ran down my taint while I struggled to regain my balance. How the hell did he spill so much cum? Three times in a row? I wanted to see those balls, but before I could catch a glimpse, he stuffed his half-hard, wet cock into his underwear and turned away, zipping up.

“Do you want to shower?” he asked casually, as if he hadn’t just fucked me senseless by his entry door.


He gestured to a discreet door to the left.

“I’ll bring you something comfortable to wear.”

I hurried to where he’d pointed because I was dripping jizz on his very expensive-looking dark wood flooring. What the hell are you doing, Lawrence? So reckless and irresponsible. You’ve met him at your workplace, for heaven’s sake! The voice in my head sounded a little like my dad, and I shut it down. Not now. There’d be plenty of time to freak out later when I was back home, eating ice cream straight out of the tub with my roommate’s arm around my shoulders.

The shower stall was bigger than my bathroom. With the warm water washing the sweat and slick off me, cum still trickling out of my positively delighted hole, I reminded myself I didn’t even know the guy’s name. He might have said it when we shook hands, but I didn’t remember it.

After a brief knock, the door opened, and I jumped.

“Here.” Mr. Tall Dark Freaking Beautiful left a folded white terrycloth robe on the vanity.

“Thank you,” I piped up. His blue eyes flashed to mine; he nodded and left.

Shit. We’d hardly exchanged twenty sentences. He was going to think I was a harebrained cockslut. Which, considering the happenings of the evening, I was apparently turning into. We’d fucked in the bathroom at my boss’s New Year’s Eve party. We’d made out in the stairwell to the garage in the office building, where I worked. I’d ridden his dick like the world was about to end in his car in the garage. Very nice car, by the way. Then he brought me here, fingered me in the elevator, before tearing my clothes off and shoving his dick back into my by then very sloppy yet still somehow needy hole as soon as the door closed behind us. Long, fat, solid, absurdly perfect dick; I’d never enjoyed a cock more. I was still to see it properly, but my body seemed to have fallen in love with that big boy already. Since Mr. Dark was giving me comfortable attire for the evening, I was staying over. Hopefully, I’d get to explore later.

What was happening? Had someone truly spiked my drink, and I was passed out in the toilets, dreaming all of this? I was spending New Year’s Eve with a gorgeous man in his top-floor apartment in one of the poshest parts of the city, and he seemed unable to keep his hands off me. He’d served me orgasm after orgasm, and there was more to come.

No. This didn’t seem like my life at all.

The sensations in my body were real, though. The looseness and slickness inside me felt oppressive to the point I couldn’t tell if I was horny anew or still buzzing after the thorough welcome my generous host had provided by the door. I put two fingers in me to wash out the rest of the mess, but the touch felt nice, so I lingered. Moaning quietly, I massaged the tissue, imagining his cum was a lotion, seeping into me. Damn, that was incredible. And no, I wasn’t anywhere close to my heat. I did that a year ago with my ex, and it didn’t feel anything like this. Next time Mr. Dark fucked me, I could lie down and keep the cum in me longer. Yep, I was getting aroused anew. Get a grip, Lawrence.

I found an unopened toothbrush in the cabinet above the sink and figured my host wouldn’t mind if I used it. It was for his own benefit, after all.

Showered, dry, and with my teeth brushed, I looked at myself in the mirror. There were red marks on my neck and jaw—not hickeys really, but more like bite marks and chafed spots. Mr. Dark had an excitingly coarse stubble. My brown eyes looked crazy, my hair was a mess, my lips were cherry red, and I was grinning like a maniac.

Okay. Let’s go find out Mr. Dark’s real name.

Wrapped in the robe, I crept out of the bathroom. The vast open space boasted a state-of-the-art kitchen, a lounge area, and a glass wall with a balcony overseeing the Ardaine city skyline.

My host leaned with his hip against the kitchen island, two empty champagne glasses ready. The bottle stood unopened by his arm. I shouldn’t have brushed my teeth just yet. Oh well.

“I didn’t know if you liked sparkling wine.”

“Thanks. I love bubbly.”

What? Bubbly? Who talked like that? Pull yourself together, Lawrence. But how? I was in a robe, nothing underneath, in an apartment of an obviously loaded, high-flying alpha, whose name I didn’t know, even though he’d already fucked me three times in the past couple of hours. And I seemed to have developed a thing for his cum. Could I taste it?

Yes, just like a harebrained cockslut. Looking at him opening that bottle, the tendons on his forearms rippling, I could easily hop on top of that kitchen island and beg him to rail me again. What the hell was wrong with me?

He’d taken off his suit jacket, changed his shirt—I’d stained the first one with bodily fluids—and rolled his sleeves up. The shiny tie was gone, and his white shirt now revealed a sliver of a smooth, tanned chest. Put it together with that chiseled, stubbled jaw, prominent nose, and the thickest, blackest eyebrows I’d ever seen, and I might have ended up in a TV commercial—probably something to do with luxury chocolate or perfume.

He stepped closer, handing me the glass, and I took it in an automatic movement, even as I got lost in those blue eyes. Was he a hypnotist? His hand cupped my jaw, and his lips slanted over mine. He caressed my tongue with his, and I fucking whimpered.

After a few seconds, he pulled back. “Sorry. I keep getting distracted.”

That made two of us. This close, the thin ribbon of yellow around his pupils looked fascinating. He had the most unusual, spellbinding eyes.

“Um.” I blinked and sipped the wine. “I’m sorry. I…” Just say it. It’s going to get worse later. “I suspect you said your name, but…there were so many people, and then we…”

His eyes widened, the yellow ribbons shining like flickering fire, and my pulse quickened with irrational fear. What? But he was smiling now, as handsome as ever. The flash of unease left as fast as it appeared, leaving only excitement in its wake.

“Good God, I haven’t even told you my name, have I?”


~ * ~ Jos Review ~ * ~

5 Stars

Wow, Roe Horvat does dragons. Be still my beating heart. I could not be happier. Ernest and Lawrie are everything I’d hope for and more. Such a brilliantly beautiful, intense, hot, fated mates story.

Ernest is looking for his fated mate but isn’t expecting it to be Laurence, his friend’s PA. A one-night stand is all they expect, but it’s the start of oh so much more. The author has done such a great job of world-building; the mate bonding is unique and works so well. Intense but funny, sweet, and oh so hot. Ernest’s devotion to Lawrie just melted my heart; it’s so hard for him to try to give Lawrie the space he needs to adjust. All he wants is to love him. Lawrie is feisty and such fun, too. They are perfect together.

I adored this story. I read it in one sitting because I couldn’t put it down. An absolute must-read recommendation from me.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.***