Release Blitz ~ Nothing Special by Casey Cox (Review + Giveaway)


by Casey Cox

Release Blitz

Release Date: June 27, 2022

Cover Design:

Wicked by Design

Genre: M/M Romance

Trope: Best friends to lovers, opposites attract, feel-good, satire


They don’t write romance novels about guys like me…


Trust me, I know. Crafting swoon-worthy happily ever afters is literally my day job. Being a quirky introvert with an overactive imagination, underwhelming social skills, and a few pounds overweight, I’m no leading man.

My best friend, though? He’s total cover model, call the plumber because I just flooded my basement material. He’s also outgoing, charismatic, free-spirited, and basically the best guy ever.

I may know romance, but I’m no dummy when it comes to reality. I’m nothing special. And the truth is, a guy like Darren would never fall for someone like me.


I’m the poster child for failure to launch. Twenty-seven, didn’t make it in Hollywood, forced to slump my sorry self back home to Australia with my tail in between my legs.

The only bright spot in my life is nabbing the apartment next door to my best friend, Benji. He’s like no one I’ve ever met. Genuine. Sensitive. Nurturing. A talented author. An amazing cook. So freaking handsome. And yeah…I am so stupidly in love with him it’s not even funny.

When Benji needs some inspiration to clear his writer’s block, I gladly help out. He wants to write a friends-to-lovers romance, and hello, I’m his best friend. This should be a cinch. It’s not as if he’s suddenly going to fall in love with me. I’m nothing special. And the fact is, a guy like Benji could do so much better than someone like me.

Nothing Special is a stand-alone best-friends-to-lovers MM romance with two lovable (yet totally clueless) besties, gray yoga pants hotness, sweet midnight walks, an apartment block filled with nosy neighbors, and one swoonariffic (and oh so special) happily ever after!

Add to your TBR List!


~ * ~ Kathys Review ~ * ~

4 Stars
This book has a unique twist on insta-love. My not-so-favorite trope was handled quite interestingly. What if you fell instantly in love with someone, and those feelings remained that way for a decade?
Darren met his best friend in college and was struck by a bolt of awareness that he believed was love. Darren is a likable young man that never carried through and made his friend realize his true intentions. Being in love and afraid to lose Benji, he turned to others for connection. Unfortunately, this made him feel unworthy and cheap. His career never culminated, and he feels like a failure.
Benji never knew of Darren’s love for him, and a tragedy from the past makes just getting by with his daily life a daunting experience. He is now a famous writer, but sadly he has such a low self-opinion.
The book did tend to feel slow at times but was very well written. I didn’t quite believe certain issues could be so easily fixed after a decade of denial and trauma, but that didn’t take away from the storyline.
All in all, this book had intense feels with likable MCs that finally realize what has been in front of them all along. A recommendable tale that I hope you will enjoy. Happy reading!

* * * Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement * * *

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About the Author

Casey Cox is an Australian MM romance author whose work includes the hugely popular VET SHOP BOYS series.

Casey loves spending time at the beach and is the proud paw-rent to two utterly adorable French Bulldogs – Ralphie and Lilly.

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