Release Blitz ~ Heat by TL Travis (Review)

Title: Heat
Author: TL Travis
Genre: MM

Cover Designer: Indie Sage
Model: Simon
Photog: Paul Henry Serres
Publication Date: May 25th, 2022

Hosted by: Lady
Amber’s PR


What do you get when you throw a burly blacksmith and the town’s poster child for clumsiness

 A whole lot of swearing and a threatening use of duct tape.

 And the need to construct a sign that reads, “DO NOT LET CAMPBELL NEAR THE FORGE!”

 Alabaster Falls’ local blacksmith, Daughtry Blackburn, was satisfied with his reclusive status.
He had iron to bend and orders to fill but he knew he needed something to take
the business to the next level. His father had fought taking their business
into the twenty-first century, but since he’d passed, it was up to Daughtry to
keep things forward moving and he knew there was no way to do so without being
on the World Wide Web. Metalworking, he got. Computers, not so much.

 Campbell Jenkins was desperate to be accepted by his peers in the little town he’d called home since birth. Problem was, he was accident-prone. Not just in the sense of an
occasional break here or there, but in a “can’t walk by glass without it
shattering – even when it seemed he was a mile away” type of thing. No matter
how hard he tried to fit in, this curse led to failure. Forced to stay stuck
inside the walls of the home his grandmother left him, he spent his time
learning all he could about computers and social media. His online friends never
cast him aside—too bad the real world wasn’t as kind.

When he answers an ad in the local paper for online marketing assistance, he wasn’t sure what to
expect. Least of all, the brawny man answering the door to a log cabin that had
seen better days.

 Can two opposites in
forced proximity learn to play nicely or will one wind up in an iron grave?


~ * ~ Jens Review ~ * ~

 4 Stars!

This is a sweet story with a slow-building relationship between two people in a small town. Campbell is incredibly self-sufficient, even as he gets hurt or breaks things easily. He’s known as the town klutz, and no one really gives him a chance to prove himself or show his talents. Daughtry is the town blacksmith who keeps to himself. He learned his trade from his father but wants to expand his business and sell the forged artwork that his father didn’t think would sell.
While their first meeting didn’t go well, I loved that they worked things out and tried again. I loved how they eventually built a new business venture together and found a way for them both to contribute and make it work. I loved that once Daughtry knew what he wanted, he didn’t back down from showing Campbell and the town that they were together. While I wasn’t thrilled the townspeople didn’t see Campbell in a good light before, I enjoyed them taking a step back and being helpful after Daughtry points out to one of them how they treat Campbell.
I liked how Campbell helped Daugherty realize that he had let so many things go, which gave him the courage to move forward after his father’s death. I liked how Daugherty cared for Campbell and didn’t judge his many moments of minor injuries. These two brought out the best in each other and accepted each other in a way few had before. It was lovely to see.
*Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.*


TL Travis is an award winning, published author of LGBTQIA+ contemporary romance and erotic
musings that have earned a “Best-Selling Author” flag in the US and

 In her spare time, when she’s not weaving steamy webs, she enjoys spending time with her
family, fishing, wine tasting and people watching. Everyone has a story to
tell, half the fun is dreaming up with what it is.

TL is surrounded by her 4-legged rescue family, her sons and adorable grandkids.

She will continue saving furry friends in need for as long as she breathes. Tl would
like to remind you to “Adopt, not shop.” Saving that lost soul may very well
save yours.

Author Links:

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