New Release Reviews ~ Antagonist by Ana Ashley (Excerpt + Giveaway)

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New Release Review, Excerpt & Giveaway:
By Ana Ashley


Dads of Stillwater, Book 1

One artist. One attorney. Two single dads.

Meeting at a bachelor auction for charity had trouble written all over it as far as I was concerned, especially when the guy that won the bid for me seemed to be after only one thing…a good time between the sheets.

Refusing Fletcher’s advances was easy the first time round. After all, we weren’t meant to see each other again.

Except I’ve just moved to Stillwater where Fletcher lives.
Except both our kids are in the same class.

Now the kids are fighting and I’m ready to throw my own punches.
If only Fletcher wasn’t as goddamn irresistible as he is irritating.

When the fight moves from the playground to the bedroom, who will come out on top?

Antagonist is book 1 in Ana Ashley’s new series, Dads of Stillwater.
Single dads, sassy kids, Ana’s usual cast of intriguing secondary characters, Stillwater has it all.

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“What the fuck is your problem?” he asks in an attempted whisper.

“What do you mean?” It’s impossible to not look at him because he’s so close I can smell his cologne. Why does he smell so good when he looks like he’s just had a round in the paint section at the DIY store?

He lets out a breath and runs his hands over his long hair. The gesture shouldn’t do anything for me, but fuck, it does. Fucking good-looking bastard.

“Look, it’s clear the kids have some lessons to learn. Can you not put aside our differences and focus on them?”

Great, and now I feel like a dick.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting to see you again.” It’s the honest truth. Somehow he brings out the worst in me, but I can’t stop staring at his eyes and wondering what would have happened if I’d said yes to a date.

That’s in the past. I’m angry with myself for even having these thoughts, but he’s right. We need to focus on the kids.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you again either, Harrison. Or find out you’re married. But here we are.”


“What. What?”

“I’m not married,” I say.

His smile changes in a heartbeat. “You’re not?”

I shake my head. “I was at a bachelor auction. You do know the definition of a bachelor.”

“You said your friend put you up to it.”

“Why are we talking about this?” I ask.

He takes a slow step back.

“It doesn’t matter. Can I have your number?” he asks.

He must see my confusion because he adds. “So we can arrange a playdate for the kids.”

“Oh, right. Yeah, of course.” I pull out my phone and unlock it, giving it to him. He puts his number in and then calls his own cell.

His finger brushes mine when hands me the phone back. Little hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention…and not in a bad way.

Why do I feel like trouble is around the corner?

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~ * ~ Jos Review ~ * ~

4 Stars
This is a spin-off from the author’s Chester Falls series; we have a new town, Stillwater. The book introduces us to the new characters for the upcoming series (as well as a few from Chester Falls). Fletcher and Harrison are both single dads, and although both wives are on the scene, Fletcher’s is definitely not a positive thing. The two do not hit it off at first, and I have to admit, the antagonism of the title was a little annoying for me at first. It was a bit like when kids like someone, they say nasty things to get attention. This might be me, though. I much preferred the story when they started to bond. The chemistry was there, but the connection they found and the support and bond made it for me.
There’s quite a lot of plot involving allegations of arson and Fletcher’s wife causing problems. It keeps the story moving along and allows the couple to have a little angst and to have to work for their HEA.
A book of two halves for me, but I never felt like giving up, and I really enjoyed how the story developed. The pair are cute once they get together, and the chemistry sizzles. I’m also really looking forward to Ellis’s story. Sometimes when you’re starting a series, the cast and scene-setting mean the book is not as well rounded as later ones. I do suspect that this may be the case here. In the end, Harrison and Fletcher are a likable couple, just a little frustrating at first.

An enjoyable read overall that I would recommend. If you like Chester Falls, this will be another hit.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement.***

~ * ~ Maris Review ~ * ~

4 Stars

Fletcher and Harrison meet when Harrison is forced to enter a Bachelor’s Auction by his friend and Fletcher bids on Harrison. Harrison is about to move to Stillwater, so he gets out of going out with Fletcher. Surprise, surprise, though, when Harrison discovers Fletcher is the dad of Harrison’s daughter’s new friend at her new school, and not only that but Fletcher and he are going to have to organize the school’s fair if they don’t kill each other first.

Okay, so it’s fair to say that this book has a very apt title. Harrison is very antagonistical against Fletcher, annoyingly so, at least at first. Fletcher is more the flirty, bubbly type, although he’s going through some things that show that he has hidden depths. Harrison and Fletcher have great chemistry and when they finally get on the same page, they were really hot together!

Megan and George, Harrison and Fletcher’s kids, were adorbs and Stella, Harrison’s ex and Megan’s mom, was amazing. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about Fletcher’s ex, she deserved to be thrown off a cliff.

Overall, this was a very entertaining small-town, enemies to lovers romance, and I can’t wait to see what else Ms. Ashley has in store for us in this series.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement. ***

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Antagonist, Ana is giving 2 e-copies of the winner’s choice of any book from her Backlist!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author

Ana was born in Portugal but has lived in the United Kingdom for so long, even her friends sometimes doubt if she really is Portuguese.

Ana Ashley writes sweet and steamy gay romance set in America, often in small towns where everyone knows everyone. Coming from a small town herself, she knows all about meddling families, nosy neighbors and that community spirit that comes from knowing people all your life.

You can find out more about Ana and her works-in-progress by joining her Newsletter. To sign up visit Ana’s website

Connect with Ana:
Twitter: @anawritesmm
IG: @anawritesmm
