Cover Reveal ~ All American Boys Series (Giveaway)

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Check out the series cover reveal for the upcoming All American Boy Series

Releasing from April 5th

Are you ready to set sail with these hot new boys from the All American Boy Series?

The All American Boy Series is proud to deliver 9 new MM romance books in the shared world experience you’ve come to know and love. All books are standalone novellas with some cross-over elements.

Books included in this gay romance series are:

The Boy is Mine by Shane K. Morton – April 5th

Green Eyed Boy by BL Maxwell – April 6th

Sailor Boy by Kris Jacen – April 7th

The Boy on the Horizon by David Michael – April 8th

Devin’s Boys by Layla Dorine – April 11th

Pretty Boy by Sierra Hill writing as K.C. Kassidy – April 12th

Boy Overboard by Miski Harris – April 13th

Summer Boy by TL Travis – April 14th

Not a Boy by Elle Keaton – April 15th

MM AABS Series Cover Reveal (1)

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Enter the Giveaway

To celebrate these lovely covers we are giving you the chance to win an advanced e-set of each book in this series AND a $5 Amazon Voucher

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

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The Authors:

Shane K. Morton
BL Maxwell
Kris Jacen
David Michael
Layla Dorine
Sierra Hill writing as K.C. Kassidy
Miski Harris
TL Travis
Elle Keaton
