New Release Reviews ~ Heart2Heart Anthology: Volume 5

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Heart2Heart Anthology: Volume 5

Out Now

With Stories By AM Arthur, Daryl Banner, Tal Bauer, SE Harmon, Riley Hart, Kate Hawthorne, Lucy Lennox, EM Lindsey, Louisa Masters, Mia Monroe, Jodi Payne, Spencer Spears, K Webster, Neve Wilder, Alice Winters

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Once upon a time, a bunch of authors wondered… what would happen if Heart2Heart, the dating and community app responsible for bringing together couples from all over the world, encouraged people to do something they’d never done before?

#NeverHaveIEver is trending on H2H, and fourteen authors who’ve never before appeared in a Heart2Heart anthology (and one who’s never left) have come together to show how funny, hot, and heartwarming it can be when H2H app users challenge themselves to do something outside of their comfort zones–from singing in public, to skinny dipping, to getting their first real kiss–while they manage to fall in love along the way.

As always, all proceeds from this anthology will benefit LGBTQ+ charities to ensure that love in all its incarnations will be celebrated and protected every single day of the year!

And don’t forget: this volume of the anthology will only be available for 90 days, after which time it will never be offered again!

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All Proceeds Go To Charity

~ * ~ Amys Review ~ * ~

5 Stars

This is the first time I’ve gotten to read the Heart2Heart Anthology despite it being its 5th publication. I was very excited to get ahold of it. I thought this year’s theme was a lot of fun! Never Have I Ever is a game that always leads to laughter in real life. In book form, it leads to love and laughter. I received an ARC of it, but I knew I had to buy a copy as well. It was for a good cause so I couldn’t pass it up.
One of my favorite short stories in this anthology was Never Have I Ever…Spent the Night with Blanche by Louisa Masters. I need more. I need more of Finn, Clay, and Ripper. This was such a fun story. It was sweet, funny, and utterly delightful. Ripper was an amazing side character. I still find myself grinning over this story. I wouldn’t be upset if the author expanded this story. I’d pounce on it for more time with Clay and Finn!
Another one of my favorites was Never Have I Ever…Had a Makeover by Mia Monroe. Deacon and Con were both fantastic characters. The author did a great job developing these two. I wanted to sit down, have a cocktail, and chat with Deacon, and I wanted to give Con the biggest hug for having to deal with such a horrid ex! I loved watching him come out of his shell. Deacon was such a fun character. I really enjoyed him. This book just made my little, queer heart happy. I love that Mia Monroe fully embraces the beauty of being queer in a world full of heteronormative ideals. Her books just make me happy for the characters living their truth, whether they’ve always known it or they’ve just discovered it.
I highly recommend this anthology. If you happen to stumble upon this after it’s no longer available, look up the individual authors and see if they’ve done anything with it. It’s well worth the purchase and your time.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement. ***


~ * ~ Maris Review ~ * ~

4.5 Stars!

I love the Heart2Heart Anthologies; they never disappoint in bringing together a great combination of favorite and new-to-me authors who deliver fantastic short stories with a common theme that felt complete despite their length. There’s something for everyone with the Never Have I Ever theme, and I enjoyed getting lost in this Anthology immensely.

Never Have I Ever…by Lucy Lennox

Jonah was adorbs, and Pete seemed so grumpy at first, but a fluffy marshmallow deep down. They were so much fun and so hot together. It was fast but just amazing. This short story was the perfect start to the Anthology, especially with the promise of the rest of the story at the end of it.

Never Have I Ever…Cold-Called a Stranger’s Phone Number by AM Arthur

Not too sure about Charlie, but the more I read, the more I liked Jasper. The story was lovely, and I really liked that they finally got it right.

Never Have I Ever…Ridden A Bike by Alice Winters

So funny! Loved it! From Owen’s unrequited love that turned out to be not so unrequited to Owen and Lance running from their lives, it was just perfect! I was LMAO at 2 in the morning and wished it would never end.

Never Have I Ever…Dyed My Hair Flaming Red by Daryl Banner

I loved Zakary and Jonatho (kind of a weird name, but okay). They were really nice. I loved how Zakary went from stagehand to leading man in a realistic manner and how Jonatho and he got closer. It was sweet, hot, and engaging!

Never Have I Ever…Worn That For Halloween by EM Lindsey

Dom was amazing, and I loved him to pieces. I wasn’t too sure about Shiloh, mostly because he made Dom wait that long for him. It was a sweet story, though.

Never Have I Ever…Sung In Public by Jodi Payne

I know the stories are short, but this one felt a tad… rushed. While it was evident that Nat had had a crush on Ethan when they were both in high school, Ethan’s interest in him seemed a tad forced, especially since he didn’t seem all that interested in anything but a friendship at first. It was still cute and hot, though.

Never Have I Ever…Gotten Lost by K. Webster

Opposites-attract, Andrew is so bubbly, and Hunter has difficulty connecting with people, yet they’re so perfect and sweet for each other. Loved it!

Never Have I Ever…Spent the Night With Blanche by Louisa Masters

A Golden Girls marathon turns into a whole lot more as Clay and Fin hit it off. Fin and Clay were amazing together, I loved that their relationship wasn’t exactly instant, but it progressed more realistically. Also, I adored Ripper. Humor, banter, scorching chemistry, and excellent writing made this one of my favorite stories in the series.

Never Have I Ever…Had A Makeover by Mia Monroe

Sweet and hot, featuring a crossdressing, lingerie, femme top, and a bear bottom in need of a makeover.

Never Have I Ever…Flown In An Airplane by Neve Wilder
Jack and Beau were so cute! They had tons of chemistry, and their relationship, even if fast, felt meant to be.
Never Have I Ever…Gone Skinny Dipping by Riley Hart
Mickey was so adorbs! And Ronan was his perfect match. This story was sweet and hot.
Never Have I Ever…Watched The Godfather by S.E. Harmon
A lovely age gap, second-chance romance between Ashton, a lawyer/former student, and Levi, his college history professor. Loved it so much! One of my favorites for sure!
Never Have I Ever…Kissed Someone On the Lips by Spencer Spears
The would-be robber (Tenn) and the never-been-kissed nerd (Westley), a hot encounter and the promise of something more happening in the future. A sweet, steamy read!
Never Have I Ever…Been On A Date by Tal Bauer
A Polar Horror short story that had me on the edge of my seat! Fast-paced and engaging, I was rooting for Cletus and Damian to escape from the nightmare they found themselves in and get their HEA.
…Fallen In Love by Lucy Lennox
The conclusion of Jonah & Pete’s story didn’t disappoint! Sweet as pie, with a touch of angst and a grand gesture that left me with a huge smile on my face, just the perfect way to end this magical Anthology!
While I loved a few of the stories more than others, I still found them all to be well-written and engaging, and I can’t recommend the Anthology enough, and hey, all proceeds go to various LGBTQ+ charities, so it’s all win-win!

* Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement. *

About the Heart2Heart Anthology Series:

Since 2018, and across four volumes, the Heart2Heart anthology has donated more than $100,000 USD to LGBTQ+ charities around the world. From large organizations such as Rainbow Railroad and the Trevor Project, to community programs like Kind Space and One-n-Ten, we’re honored to support their work.

A true passion project, Heart2Heart wouldn’t be possible without the incredible efforts and generosity of our support teams:

  • Cover design by Kelley Fox at Sleepy Fox Studios
  • Beta reading, editing, and proofreading by the team at LesCourt Author Services and other incredible volunteers
  • Promotion by Gay Romance Reviews
  • The readers who never fail to bring their creativity when offering suggestions to inspire the authors.

And of course, the author’s time and efforts and the organisational overlord of the project; Leslie Copeland.

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As with previous editions of the anthology, we’re honored to be donating our net profits to three deserving charities.

More information on the Charities chosen for Volume 5:

PFLAG Canada

🌈 Pflag Canada is a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their LGBTQ2S children.

The “coming-out” process can be a critical time for families. When the adjustment period is particularly long or painful, relationships can become permanently damaged, resulting in a lifetime of emotional scars. People cannot always rise above the challenge of accepting themselves or their family members, and the results can be devastating, even fatal.

CHEW Project

🌈 The CHEW Project’s vision is to provide frontline support, opportunities for health and wellness, and to help find hope for 2SLGBTQ+ youth and emerging adults facing barriers related to:

  • Mental health
  • Oppression
  • Poverty
  • Homelessness
  • Substance use
  • Sexual health
  • Sexual exploitation/sex work
  • And others

Pride Centre of Edmonton

🌈 The Pride Centre of Edmonton provides a non-judgmental, welcoming space where people of all attractions, identities, and expressions can be themselves, find support, meet new people, and be part of a caring community. The Centre offers resources, education, volunteer opportunities, counselling, and sensitive and expert information and referrals for those seeking help. The Centre also organizes programs to help improve the social, mental, and physical health of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

These are all great Charities and we need to take care of our youth and the next generation. Love is Love. Be safe and kind. No one should have to suffer for who they are or who they love!!

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For more on the Authors:

AM Arthur

Daryl Banner
IG: @darylbanner – FB:

Tal Bauer
IG: @talbauerwrites – FB:

SE Harmon

Riley Hart
IG: @rileyhartwrites – FB:

Kate Hawthorne
IG: @kate.hawthorne – FB:

Lucy Lennox
IG: @lucylennoxmm – FB:

EM Lindsey
IG: @emlindseyauthor – FB:

Louisa Masters
IG: @authorlouisam – FB:

Mia Monroe
IG: @miapensromance – FB:

Jodi Payne
IG: @jodipayne1800 – FB:

Spencer Spears
IG: @spencerspearswrites – FB:

K Webster
IG: @authorkwebster – FB:

Neve Wilder
IG: @nevewilder – FB:

Alice Winters
IG: @alicewintersauthor – FB:
