Audiobook Review ~ Up North by Allison Temple

Audiobook Review:
Up North By Allison Temple

Up north Ebook

The last thing Jack Spencer wants to be is a fishing guide for rich tourists. But with a sister in need of help and nothing but a rusty fishing boat to his name, he takes a job at The Wild Eagle Lodge, Alaska’s newest luxury resort.

When a scandal rocks his career, movie star Damian Marshall feels like the whole world is watching his every move. That is, until he meets a gruff fishing guide who doesn’t seem to know who he is. Desperate for escape, Damian grabs at the chance for anonymity with both hands.

Away from the pressure of studios and the media, Damian and Jack grow closer. But as sparks fly and scandal follows Damian north, Jack will need to decide if he can love a man he hardly knows, or if this brush with fame is too hot to handle.

Up North is a 77k contemporary MM romance novel. It features a movie star on the run, a fishing guide who has never been anywhere, and bears of all sorts. HEA guaranteed.

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~ * ~ Annies Review ~ * ~

4.5 Stars

I absolutely loved Up North when I read the e-book, so I was eager to get a chance to revisit the wonderful characters and setting with the audiobook release. Unfortunately, I think I let my presumptions get a bit in the way initially.

The problem with listening to books you’ve read and loved is you often have a predetermined voice in your head for each character. That was my case when I began listening to Up North, and when the narrator’s voice didn’t fit what I had envisioned, it took me a little time to settle in with this one.My love for Jack and Damian won out and set me right. Once again, I felt swept away to Alaska, enjoying thing quiet, easy romance that grows between these men. I love Jack’s grumpy bear routine as much as I enjoy seeing Damian explore what he wants and needs from his career. And of course, I love that the couple’s emotional connection and chemistry is matched by their physical chemistry. Really, there is a lot to love about this sweet story and I so enjoyed getting lost in it again.

Additionally, I found myself appreciating the narrator’s performance more and more as the book progressed and I let my preconceptions go to the wayside. While his voice may not have been as gruff as I originally pictured it, the delivery, tone, and emotion he put into each scene was on point and made for a pleasant listen. I have to admit my first impressions were definitely wrong with this narrator. He did a fantastic job bringing a book I loved reading to life, and I can soundly say I also loved listening to Up North. Undoubtedly, I will never second guess listening to this narrator’s work again.

If you like stories with unique settings and an easy but wonderful romance with relatively low angst, I’d definitely recommend Up North.


About the Author:

Whether she knew it then or not, Allison has been a writer since the second grade, when she wrote a short story about a girl and her horse. Her grandmother typed it out for her and said she’d never seen so many quotation marks from a seven-year-old before. Allison took that as a challenge and has tried to break that record in all the stories she’s taken on since then. It’s good to have goals, right?

Allison lives in Toronto with her very patient husband and the world’s cutest team of rescue pets. She tries to split her time between writing, community theater stage management, and traveling anywhere that has good wine. Tragically, this leaves no time to clean the house.

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