Audio Tour ~ Save Me by Beck Grey (Review + Excerpt + Giveaway)

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Audio Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Save Me By Beck Grey

Save Me Audiobook Cover

Love in the Pacific Northwest, Book 1

Deputy US Marshal Jamie MacDougall assumes his latest assignment is just another security detail, but when he finds himself falling for the gorgeous key witness he’s sworn to protect, it takes everything he has to keep things professional.

When Ashley Pandy enters the WITSEC program, with a new identity and a new life far away from Seattle and Jamie, he tries to move on, but a year later, with no hope of seeing him again, he still can’t forget the man who stole his heart.

Ashley walked away from love for noble reasons. Jamie let him go because it was the honorable thing to do. When a foolish decision gives them a second chance to be all kinds of wrong, can they finally get it right?

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“Do you cook?” The question jolts me out of my reverie, and while my mind catches up to the conversation I watch as he adds a pinch of this and a dash of that to the pan, never measuring anything. He must make this frequently, because that’s pretty impressive, at least to me. I snort indelicately, and that makes Jamie turn, finally giving me his full attention. My brain stutters to a halt, utterly wrecked, as I am hit with the power of a Jamie MacDougall grin. “I’ll take that as a no. Do you want to try?” I blame him for what happens next.

Without thinking I find myself right next to him, eagerly nodding. “I’m afraid I haven’t the first clue how to make anything that doesn’t involve the microwave, the contents of a can, or a telephone. You’ve been warned.” He laughs and I stare, dumbfounded. We’ve been together almost every day for months and I have never heard a full-blown laugh from him. Sure, he’s made a few amused sounds, and once even chuckled. I thought that was a miracle! Now I’m desperately trying to think of ways to make him laugh again, because it’s the best sound in the entire world.

“All right, why don’t I show you how to chop the garlic. That’s fairly straightforward.” I hesitantly set my tea on the counter. What am I doing? Jamie hands me the knife, hilt first, like I know what to do with it, and motions for me to step in front of the cutting board. “It’s not going to bite you, Ashley.”

I swallow hard and look him in the eyes. “You don’t know that. You’ve never seen me in the kitchen.” I take the knife from him and hold it in a vice-like grip while I stare at the clove of garlic, glaring it into submission.

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~ * ~ Amys Review ~ * ~

4 Stars

Save Me by Beck Grey was my first go at reading a book by this author. After looking the author up on Amazon, it appears this is the first book they have written—under this pen name, anyway. If that truly is the case, then I see a lot of potential ahead for future stories. If it’s not the case, where, pray tell, are the rest of the books? I wouldn’t mind reading another one.

This is one of those stories with a lot of inner dialogue, but the actual dialogue between the characters is meaningful. I know some are not fans of internal dialogue, but I don’t find it problematic as long as the story flows at a good pace, which this one did. I enjoyed the vocabulary the author used. It made me think, and it gave depth to the characters.

I found the characters to be likable and multidimensional. However, I felt like the narrator didn’t do a lot to differentiate between the voices of each character. That said, his narration was pleasant to the ears, and it wasn’t hard to tell who was talking. Although, that may have more to do with the fact the book was very clear about it.

Even so, I felt that the narrator did a good job bringing the story to life. He was easy to understand, and while the overall sound of his voice was subdued, it was melodic and kept my attention. I felt he complimented the book nicely.

I would be happy to read a book by this author again and listen to more of the narrator’s work. I think others would enjoy this book as well.

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Save Me on Audio, Beck is giving away an Audio Code of Save Me via Author’s Direct!

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About the Author

Beck Grey is an LGBTQ romance author who lives in the Northeastern United States with their partner and two adorable dogs. Weekdays are passed spending their employer’s money. Evenings and weekends are devoted to writing stories involving hot characters, favorite tropes, and happily ever afters.

Any additional time is spent laughing with friends, drinking red wine, printing and painting minis, and playing D&D. There might even be video games. If there’s cake involved at any point it’s a win!

Connect with Beck:
Twitter: @BeckGreyWrites
FB Group: Beck’s Blanket Fort
Pinterest boards for Beck’s books: @Beck_Grey
IG: beckgreyauthor
