New Release Review ~ Naked Weekend by Roe Horvat

Book info

  • contemporary gay erotic romance, MM, 20 000 words
  • easy and fast, high heat, low angst
  • arranged hookup that got out of hand
  • a boy learning to trust again
  • CW: mentions of previous psychological domestic abuse



It was supposed to be a casual threesome. Yeah, right. Those kisses are anything but casual, and the third guy is nowhere to be found. Neill should have known their friend set them up. But even as he ends up naked in the tall stranger’s arms, he can’t find any reason to regret anything.

From the first moment, Danny knows he could easily fall for Neill. All these little contradictions fascinate him: Neill’s passionate and playful one moment, and the next second he withdraws into himself, cautious. What made him that way? And how can Danny convince the beautiful boy to stay?

Contemporary gay erotic romance novella. 20 000 words.



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~ * ~ Amys Review ~ * ~

5 Stars

1. This book is EXACTLY what it says in the title, yet so much more.
2. If you’d ask me, as a sex indifferent graysexual, if I’d give a book that’s 90% sex a rating of 5 Stars, I would’ve said, ‘nope’…until today…until this book.
Yes, there is a lot of sex, and I will tell you that if you enjoy heat, you will LOVE this novella. I warn you this heat comes with a huge dose of sweet, too. It’s not fluffy unicorn sweet; it’s melt your heart, OMG kind of sweet.
I absolutely fell in love with Neill and Danny. They are such beautiful, flawed, and just darn lovable men. They may have had the unexplainable connection, but it was me who fell in love…in just one weekend. One, naked weekend.
I don’t want to prattle on too much, because it is a short book, and I refuse to spoil it for you, but I highly recommend you read this. Even if you think it sounds like too much sex for you (after reading how steamy it is in the reviews) you will be shooting yourself in the foot over missing out on this book. See the second point! By definition, I shouldn’t really enjoy this book, but I am beyond glad I read it. In fact, it’s going on my TBRA (to be read again) shelf. For those who say ‘turn up the heat,’ this book is right up your alley, no questions asked, and it doesn’t come at the cost of the storyline. I call that Hot with a Plot.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement. ***


~ * ~ Annies Review ~ * ~

4 Stars 

Naked Weekend is as hot as the title promises. Based upon the idea of a blind date/hookup arranged by a mutual friend, the short story follows two men who are reluctant to get back to dating, following bad experiences in the past.

Both Neill and Danny were likable right away. I enjoyed how easy things were between them from the start, providing that initial, palpable spark I expect in shorter books. As much as the physical chemistry was smoking between these two, the story also contained pockets for an emotional connection to develop. This deeper aspect of the romance ensures Naked Weekend is more than just a well written, sexy read.

If you are looking for a good, quick read with well developed characters, and a big dose of heat, Naked Weekend is a good story to get lost in.

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement. ***