New Release Review: Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey (Maiden Voyage #2) by TL Travis (Series Review)

New Release Review:

Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey

(Maiden Voyage #2)

by TL Travis

Amazon (Available on KU)  |  Goodreads



For Maiden Voyage lead vocalist, Derek Masters, life has had its fair share of ups and downs.  Most recently, almost losing his best friend and lead guitarist, Ryder Hampton while they were on the road. They’ve just come off a whirlwind European tour and have a few weeks of R&R before hitting Rocktoberfest in Nevada this fall.

While Derek’s looking forward to time with his family, the loneliness of living in his big, empty house suffocates him. Seems rest isn’t always what one needs. For Derek, he’s a natural caregiver, always wanting to help others. Even when it’s not in his best interest.

Logan Bell has wanted to be a teacher since playing school in his backyard with his childhood friends. He loves to nurture young minds, and teach them the necessary skills in ways they can grasp and retain it. Never for a moment did he think that gift would be turned on him.

Can two souls who feel the need to be there for everyone, find a way to be there for themselves? Or will their hopes and dreams all be washed away by rushing floodwaters in a monsoon storm?

5 Stars
I’ve got to say I loved this one so much more than I did the first book even if I adored Ryder and Max so much.
Derek had me so intrigued in book one, so diving into his story had me swooning. His life was not ideal so his journey to fame and stardom was long and troubled. But I love how he turned everything around and grew to be responsible and strong.
Logan was so great! I loved how he was with Derek and his best friend Julia was one of the best secondary characters I’ve read about!
I can not wait for book three. I need to know where everyone ends up and how their lives take shape.
TL has such a brilliant way of spinning these characters in a way that it feels as if they are completely real.
*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement***


Previously on the Series:

Maiden Voyage: Ryder’s Guardian (Maiden Voyage #1)


4 Stars
This was such an awesome start to a new series, I was hoping I would love it since I really liked both T.L’s Social Sinners series and Ann’s Rock Gods series. I was so glad to find I was right, I loved Ryder and Max so much and the heat and tension that flowed between the two men.
Ryder was kinda different than I originally anticipated him to be. I was expecting this big rock star with an attitude problem, but what we got was this man who was fun and loved his band members like brothers. But what we also got was a man who was not the smartass that everyone thought he was, and I loved that we got that side of him.
Max, oh, but I am a big fan of Max’s. He is everything I love reading about in the whole Bodyguard/Rock Star-Celebrities trope. He is tall, brave, and sexy and willing to risk everything to be with the man he was falling for.
I loved seeing Ryder’s bandmates and how they all interacted with everyone and stood together when one needed them. I am hoping we get more on the other bodyguards as well.
*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement. ***