New Release Review: Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey (Maiden Voyage #2) by TL Travis

New Release Review:

Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey

(Maiden Voyage #2)

by TL Travis

Amazon (Available on KU)  |  Goodreads



For Maiden Voyage lead vocalist, Derek Masters, life has had its fair share of ups and downs.  Most recently, almost losing his best friend and lead guitarist, Ryder Hampton while they were on the road. They’ve just come off a whirlwind European tour and have a few weeks of R&R before hitting Rocktoberfest in Nevada this fall.

While Derek’s looking forward to time with his family, the loneliness of living in his big, empty house suffocates him. Seems rest isn’t always what one needs. For Derek, he’s a natural caregiver, always wanting to help others. Even when it’s not in his best interest.

Logan Bell has wanted to be a teacher since playing school in his backyard with his childhood friends. He loves to nurture young minds, and teach them the necessary skills in ways they can grasp and retain it. Never for a moment did he think that gift would be turned on him.

Can two souls who feel the need to be there for everyone, find a way to be there for themselves? Or will their hopes and dreams all be washed away by rushing floodwaters in a monsoon storm?

~ * ~ Amys Review ~ * ~

5 Stars

This book picks up shortly after Ryder’s Guardian ends. The show has to go on, ya know. We find out what was going through Derek’s mind during the events that led to Ryder getting hurt.

I like Derek more now that I’ve spent some time with him. He’s this hot lead vocalist, but he’s so much more than how he’s portrayed himself to be. He wants more in his life, and this book is him going for it. With everything he’s gone through, I felt like he deserved it. He’s such a great character, and he has a lot of depth.

Logan is absolutely adorable, and I can see how you would want to scoop him up and protect him. He’s so likable and sweet, yet he’s struggling with insecurities and fears that keep tripping him up and keeps him from moving forward sometimes. He’s fortunate to have a BFF like Julia, who will get in his face and let him have it, yet love on him when that’s the more appropriate support.

I loved Julia and Reagan’s characters and how much they played into the storyline. It created additional layers of our main characters and a broader understanding of them. Of course, we got to see the other two bands again, especially Stoli and Joey. It was nice to get to see Ryder and Max and learn updates to their relationship.

I loved Derek and Logan’s story. It had me grinning like a loon quite a bit. Especially their mutual love of Disney. That was an incredibly fun addition to the story. His bidding war with a certain star, we should all recognize, was awesome! I cannot wait to see what’s up next for these guys. I’m dying to read about the neighbor wars someone has going on. It’s bound to be epic!

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement. ***



Previously on the Series:

Maiden Voyage: Ryder’s Guardian (Maiden Voyage #1)
