Release Day Review: Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey (Maiden Voyage #2) by TL Travis (Series Review)

Release Day Review:

Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Journey

(Maiden Voyage #2)

by TL Travis

Amazon (Available on KU)  |  Goodreads



For Maiden Voyage lead vocalist, Derek Masters, life has had its fair share of ups and downs.  Most recently, almost losing his best friend and lead guitarist, Ryder Hampton while they were on the road. They’ve just come off a whirlwind European tour and have a few weeks of R&R before hitting Rocktoberfest in Nevada this fall.

While Derek’s looking forward to time with his family, the loneliness of living in his big, empty house suffocates him. Seems rest isn’t always what one needs. For Derek, he’s a natural caregiver, always wanting to help others. Even when it’s not in his best interest.

Logan Bell has wanted to be a teacher since playing school in his backyard with his childhood friends. He loves to nurture young minds, and teach them the necessary skills in ways they can grasp and retain it. Never for a moment did he think that gift would be turned on him.

Can two souls who feel the need to be there for everyone, find a way to be there for themselves? Or will their hopes and dreams all be washed away by rushing floodwaters in a monsoon storm?

Maiden Voyage: Ryder’s Guardian (Maiden Voyage #1)


3.75 Stars♡

Okay, here is your opportunity to feast on all the rock gods you can handle. Trust me, there are so many famous musicians in this book, I really had a hard time keeping track of all of them. This book was a tad more  “physical” than I normally read but I just went with the flow, after all, people, major rock stars here!

Ryder is the lead guitarist for the hit band Maiden Voyage. At first, he is not the most likable individual, and his behavior was spoiled and childlike at times. Currently, he is drooling over his new hunky bodyguard Max. His new protector did not immediately endear himself to me either. I felt he was unprofessional at times and his personality was a bit grating.

As the book progressed, I did feel sorry for Max because Ryder’s flirtations were jeopardizing his career. Knowing he should resist, Max is drawn to the fiery idol. Max’s boss Fizzbo (I kid you not) was more like a secret service agent protecting the President and was really over the top. I hated how Fizzbo treated the musicians even though he was trying to keep them safe.

As I learned Ryder’s history, I realized it explained the reasons for most of his outlandish behaviors. I finally did warm up to Max and Max and Ryder felt like a true couple by the end of the story. There was the dreaded instalove, which most times just doesn’t work for me and major issues were resolved a little too quickly.

All in all, it was a fun and fast read with solid writing. I believe if you enjoy the rocker genre this will be a fun venture. I did enjoy the back characters and look forward to reading Derek’s story next. Happy Reading!

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement***


Maiden Voyage: Derek’s Destiny (Maiden Voyage #2)

4.5 Stars

Book 2 of the Maiden Voyage series pulled me in immediately. I fell in love with Derek, the lead singer of this band almost from page one. He overcame a serious addiction and really turned his life around. Sober and clean for over a decade, he is a phenomenal father and does right by his son. I enjoyed the friendship he had forged with his ex-wife Lorraine. Their son Colby is a wonderful kid that adores his father.

On parent night at his kid’s school, Derek gets to meet his son’s new teacher and he is instantly smitten. The scene where Derek first meets Logan is too darn adorable. Logan is new to this private upscale institution and left his old job when a student caused him physical harm. This is disclosed fairly early in the book and is important to the storyline as this has left a lasting effect on Logan. The poor English teacher feels like a bit of a failure and is trying hard to cope with all the new changes in his life.

Derek surprises himself with how much he wants to pursue Logan. He wants more than a hookup and poor Logan is beyond confused when Derek tracks him down to ask him on a date. The two were a very realistic couple and I appreciated how they took the time to learn about each other.
Logan has to adapt to dating a famous rock star. His life is now under close scrutiny and he hates being in the limelight. Derek is crazy about this gentle teacher but music is in his blood and he can’t walk away from all that he has built with his career.

Miscommunications lead to a bit of angst as Logan pushes Derek away. Derek is crushed and has a difficult time coping. Supportive friends surround him and the family of musicians have his back, though. Add to all of this, is a life-threatening scene that keeps the readers on their toes.

This was a flirty and musical romp that definitely had a strong spark between the men. I highly recommend and hope you have a great time touring with this band. Happy Reading!

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement.***