Audiobook Review ~ Pixie (Book 5 in the Ballsy Boys Series) by KM Neuhold & Nora Phoenix

Everybody loves Pixie.
Everybody wants Pixie.

But Pixie needs a Daddy, and his heart is set on me.

I’m determined to resist him, for more reasons than I can count.
He’s too young for me. He’s my employee. And he’s everything I’ve been avoiding for half my life.
He’s vibrant. He’s sweet. He’s absolutely perfect, no matter how much I don’t want him to be.

I want nothing more than to take care of him, to protect him and pamper him…but how can I start something with him when I know I’ll eventually break his heart? Can I really be the Daddy Pixie needs?

***Pixie is the fifth and last book in the Ballsy Boys Production series. It can be read as a stand-alone, but it’s more fun reading the series in order.***

4.5 Stars!!!

Okay, so full disclosure here, I haven’t really read/listened to the other books in the series prior to listening to Pixie. *blushes* Yeah, I know, bad Mari, still, I really enjoyed this one and the glimpses of the other Ballsy Boys we got, are enough that I’ll definitely be listening to those pretty soon.

I’ve been really intrigued by Pixie since Nora started posting teasers back when K.M. and her were writing the book, and I was intrigued how a relationship between Bear and sweet Pixie would go and I loved it for the most part. I was kind of annoyed at Bear for most of the book, because he was so set in his ways and so fixated on the whole age thing. I nearly gave up on him. I mean 5 hours of him pushing Pixie away? Not nice and almost a case of too little, too late, if it hadn’t been for Travis’s intervention.

Now, Pixie, I loved. He was totally adorbs and just perfect for Bear. For as much as he needed someone to take care of him, he was just what Bear needed to live again and not just survive. He was there to support and care for Bear in a different way than Bear was there for him. And frankly, I loved them together, at least after Bear finally came to his senses. 😉

Kenneth Obi did a great job with Bear and Pixie and the rest of the guys and Travis. I had so much fun with their meddling and with the story, which was more emotional (and had me bawling like a baby a few times) than I expected.

I can’t recommend this one enough to all readers who love the Daddy/boy dynamics!