Release Blitz: See Me by TL Travis (Review)

See Me By TL Travis

For Raphe Lombardi, life hasn’t been easy.

Permanently disfigured by a car crash at the age of nine that claimed the lives of his parents, set him on a never ending path of doctors and painful procedures.

“Never judge a book by its cover, Il mio piccolo,” Aunt Sophia would always say, tapping the space above her heart. “Trust what’s inside. Even beauty sometimes has an evil lurking beneath.” Over the years her nickname for me, my little one, was shorted to Mio. Calling me little when I now towered over her five foot frame by more than fourteen inches made it even more adorable to hear her say.

Is it best to see someone for who they truly are, or is it safer to hide in the shadows and avoid risking it all?

Potential triggers: Verbal abuse/bullying, physical assault, self-loathing, self-harm, thoughts of suicide, dealing with death of loved ones.

See Me is a standalone MM romance novel.

Start reading See Me today!


4.5 Stars!

Okay, so first off, read the trigger warnings, because trust me, they’re there for a reason.

I loved Raphael/Raphe from the first moment, he had such a hard life from when he was a little kid and now, nearly, thirty, things still weren’t quite good for him. Yes, he had the love of his Aunt and his quasi-parents/friends, Heath and Cindy, but he was lonely and hurting and dealing with the physical and psychological sequels from the accident that killed his parents and left him scarred. He was dealing with PTSD and anxiety and selfworth issues and it was difficult to see him even thinking of taking his own life. I wasn’t quite sure what to think of Cooper at first. Raphael rescued him from a situation that could’ve been way worse and Cooper came on to Raphe pretty strong afterwards. I will admit that perhaps Raphael needed Cooper being that pushy, but it grated me the wrong way at first. However, Cooper definitely proved himself worthy of Raphael’s love by being there for Raphe, supporting and loving him and giving him the space when Raphael needed some.

I loved that Cooper being in Raphael’s life didn’t automatically cure Raphael of all his issues, that he still needed therapy and that it was a work in progress, but I was left feeling confident that they could actually make it. They were just great for each other.

I adored Aunt Sophia, Heath, Cindy and of course, Adrian, they were all great secondary characters and added a lot of substance to the story.

Overall, this was a fantastic, emotional hurt/comfort book. I loved being privy of Raphael’s journey and how Cooper’s presence in his life impacted it so much. If you’re anything like me, you’ll definitely need some tissues, but it’s so worth the read. Highly recommendable!

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement. ***

Join us for See Me,
Book Release Party


This book is different than what’s
come to be expected of me. This one is an emotional journey, and not as erotic
as what I usually write. I hope you’ll enjoy watching Raphe work through his
troubles and find the love he felt he’d never have.

TL Travis is the published author of
a plethora of LGBTQ+ Erotica and Erotic Romance musings that have earned her a
“Best Selling Author” status in the US as well as Internationally. In her spare
time, when she’s not weaving erotic webs, she enjoys fishing, wine tasting and
people watching. Everyone has a story to tell, what would yours be? She’s
rescued 4-legged souls in need for as long as she can remember, and would like
to remind you to “Adopt, not shop.” Saving that lost soul may very well save
yours too.


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