Review Tour ~ Hot Potato (A Seacroft Novel #3) by Allison Temple (Giveaway)

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal LinkExclusive to Amazon and Available to Borrow With Kindle Unlimited
Length: 80,000 words approx.

Cover Design: Cate Ashwood Designs

Seacroft Series

Book #1 – Top Shelf – Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal Link
Book #2 – Cold Pressed – Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal Link


As Seacroft’s resident weirdo, Avery proudly flies a lot of freak flags. It’s a constant battle to be taken seriously when everything, from his red hair to his sexuality, makes him stand out in this small town.

Small towns are also a terrible place to keep secrets, and Lincoln has a bunch of them. But his demons aren’t going to hold him back from his dream job at the Seacroft Fire Department. His life is finally coming together, until the red-haired twink with the big smile and fast mouth calls in an emergency.

Pining for the hot firefighter is Avery’s newest flag, even if he agrees to be “just friends.” For Linc, every minute with Avery is a temptation. He needs to let go of his fear and admit the truth. Linc doesn’t want to be Avery’s friend; he wants to be his everything. But just as Linc is ready to risk it all, Avery gets an unexpected offer to spread his colorful wings and fly away.

Hot Potato is an 80k slow burn friends-to-lovers contemporary MM romance. It features a fast-talking accountant who’s cooler than he thinks, the closeted firefighter who loves him more than he should, and a great big happy-sigh HEA.

5 Stars

This is the third installment of the fabulous and quirky series set in the town of Seacroft. Avery has flaming red hair and manages to match that color with constant blushes from his adorable mishaps. He was a true delight!

The opening scene is almost too cute for words and will explain the title of the book. I want you to enjoy the beginning as it was so funny and sweet. I could not stop smiling. The author alters between light-hearted and darker themes and creates very believable characters that made me feel a strong connection to them. Even though she touches on serious issues this sequel seemed more whimsical than her previous two books.

Avery has a loving aunt and uncle he dotes on as they literally saved him when he was 15, giving him a supportive and caring family. He works for his uncle and is content with his life even though at times, it is pretty dull. He happens to meet Linc (no spoilers) in the first chapter under unusual circumstances. Linc is a closeted firefighter that is instantly attracted to the fiery mop of red hair and freckles that seems to trip on his own two feet while standing still. Ironically with all of Avery’s social awkwardness, he appears to have better self-esteem than the aloof and outwardly cool Linc.

Well, some fires can’t be put out even with the most dedicated fireman trying and Linc can’t quell his desire for Avery. The friendship and growing relationship was not rushed as they learned about each other’s history that shaped the men into what they are today. Horrors from the past sometimes resurface just when you think you finally have your future secured. Linc and Avery are tested and their connection is so visceral I was yearning for their bond to remain strong.

I have read the entire series and as this book can easily be a stand-alone, I would recommend you read the others to fully appreciate the story and get a chance to catch up with good folks of Seacroft. I have only one major complaint. The series has come to an end! Fingers crossed that Ms.Temple is hard at work creating equally enchanting stories. Happy reading!

***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn’t a requirement.***

Allison Temple has been a writer since the second grade, when she wrote a short story about a girl and her horse. Her grandmother typed it out for her and said she’s never seen so many quotation marks from a seven-year-old before. Allison took that as a challenge and has gone on to try to break her previous record in all her subsequent works.

Allison lives in Toronto with her very patient husband and the world’s neediest cat. She splits her free time between writing, community theater stage management, and traveling anywhere that has good wine. Tragically, this leaves no time to clean her house.

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